Akward moment

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"DAZAI???" Chuuya yelled in shock.

"CHUUYA???" Dazai yelled in shock too.

The two boys both stared at each other for a few good minutes but to both of them it felt like years. They both didn't know what to say, after all they are exes.

"Heyyyyyyyyy~ Chibi looks like that growth spurt didn't happen you're still the same size as you were when you were 15." Dazai said breaking the silence.

"Can you lay off my size jackass. Even after 4 years you're still a jerk. And look like you're still a walking mommy." Chuuya said.

"And i see you're wearing hats now. Come on Chuuya your fashion style was bad when you were 15 now it's even worse" Dazai said.

"Bitch says you" Chuuya said.

"Ok you two that's enough. You two still need to unpack. Dazai since your whining like a baby ill get the rest off the boxes in. Chuuya do you need any help?" Oda said.

"No thanks Verlaine on his way with the other boxes" Chuuya said.

"Alright I'll be back in a minute. Dazai if i come back and i still see boxes not unpack your a dead man" Oda said and leaving.

"WAIT A SECOND IM ROOMMATES WITH YOU???" Chuuya said realizing.

"Looks like it. Well that's good. Give us time to catch up and stuff. So how have you beeeen~" Dazai said with a happy tone as he was unpacking boxes.

The room was a bit very small, it did have a kitchen and table with it, two bedrooms and a bother with a shower, that's it.

"Um pretty good i guess how about yourself" Chuuya asked.

"Oh yeah amazing. Life has been amazing and stuff and you know." Dazai said with a smile and a laugh.

Even tho they haven't seen each other in 4 years, Chuuya could always tell when Dazai was lying. And it doesn't show he has a amazing life. He had more bandages on hia skin then he used too amd it concerned chuuya. After when they broke up they kept distant for a while and then Dazai moved away.

"Im sure it has" Chuuya said heading over to his room with boxes.

"Hey who told you, you could have that room" Dazai said.

"Umm well let's me see. I guess ME" Chuuya said opening the door and slamming it.

After that Chuuya continued unpacking the boxes he brought with him. Dazai was out in the kitchen making some chocolate milk because he can and he wants to. Still he heard the door knock. He said come it and someone came thru the door.

"Shoeya i got your boxes" Verlaine said bringing the boxes.

"Verlaine. Hey hey heyyy whats up" Dazai said with a akward smile.

"HUH? DAZAI? Your back. Wow was not expecting that." Verlaine said placing the boxes down.

"Yeah i am. Chuuya is in his room over there" Dazai said pointing to the room.

"Sweet" Verlaine said heading over to Chuuyas room with the boxes.

Verlaine opened the door and saw Chuuya sorting out stuff.

"Sup Shoeya sooooo. Dazai back" Verlaine said placing the boxes down.

"Really now. Wow didn't notice when he's literally my roommate. NO SHIT" Chuuya said.

"Alright alright calm your toes." Verlaine said.

After Verlaine brought all the boxes in he then left. Oda helped dazai with unpacking because he knew dazai will just leave them in boxes all year thru college. Oda then left and it was just Dazai and Chuuya in the dorm. Chuuya was sitting on the table with his ipad playing some type off game, Dazai then walked in after sorting out his stuff.

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