I promise Odasaku

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May 28th.

Dazai and Chuuya were back at school again. Chuuya and Dazai were both in math class not paying attention, they both were texting each other. A month has gone by and their relationship was going great. Things were going great.

But the lesson was suddenly disturbed.

"Excuse me sir" A police officer said walking in the classroom.

"Uh yes? Can i help you officer?" Kunikida said.

"Were here for a kid, Osamu Dazai?" The officer said.

Chuuya looked at Dazai and Dazai just looked confused.

"Yes thats dazai over there, Dazai stand up" Kunikida said.

Dazai then nervously stood up and the officers gestured for him to follow them. Dazai grabbed his stuff and walked out of the classroom with the policeman. Chuuya looked confused and asked to be dismissed to use the bathroom. Kunikida allowed it since class finished in 2 minutes. Chuuya grabbed his stuff and ran out to catch them up. As he found them they were outside on the benches. Chuuya hid behind a tree and listened in.

"Um why was i brought out?" Dazai asked.

"Kid, we don't know how to tell you this..." The officer said with a sad expression on his face.

"Listen, this morning there was an accident. 6 cars were destroyed. And only 4 people die. While only 2 survived. And the person who got into the accident and didn't survived..." The officer stopped to take a breath.

Dazai sat their and listened his heart pounding so fast.

"Was Sakunosuke Oda. Im sorry for your lost, Sakunosuke Oda died instant in a car crash. Were sorry" The officer said.

Dazai fell off his seat, shaking violently and couldn't breath. Chuuya over heard everything and ran straight towards dazai and hugged him on the floor. Chuuya hold on to the brunette hugging him tight. The only thing going thru dazais brain was one memory.

~Flash back 4 years ago~

It had been a year since dazai and oda moved to Tokyo. Dazai was laying in the couch completely tired of life.

"Dazai how long are you going to stay on that couch" Oda said walking in the living room with food for the brunette.

"Till i die" Dazai said.

"Dazai. It will be ok, come on sit up" Oda said placing the food in the coffee table, moving dazai  up and hugging him.

"How do you know it will be ok?" Dazai said feeling tears running down his face.

"I don't. But i have faith, you cant live your life in negativity. It will only bring you down." Oda said.

"As long i have you oda, everything will be fine" Dazai said hugging on to oda tight as possible.

"Dazai.. Promise me something" Oda said.

Dazai looked up to oda.

"Promise me no matter what happens to me, continue to do good in life, continue living, live your life to the fullest" Oda said.

"But i don't know how. What if i mess everything up because i just exist"

"You won't dazai. You deserve to live"

"Promise me, no matter what, you will continue fighting" Oda said.

"I promise Odasaku"

~Flashback end~

Dazai broke down into tears, with Chuuya hugging him tightly.

"Why" Dazai said between sobs.

"Dazai, I'm here, you're not alone" Chuuya said stroking the brunettes head gently.

~Time skip~

A week has gone by, Odasaku funeral was yesterday but Dazai didn't go to it, instead he stayed up for 3 days with no sleep. Looking at every picture he and oda took together. He was on the floor with a blanket.

Chuuya noticed Dazai wasn't in bed so he got up and brought the duvet with him and a couple off pillows. He sae dazai on the floor and he joined him in the floor.

"Chuuya?" Dazai said noticing Chuuya sitting next to him.

"You haven't been sleeping, you shouldn't be alone right now Dazai." Chuuya said placing a pillow behind Dazai so he could kean in the wall more comfortable.

He placed the duvet over them and Dazai got closer to Chuuya snuggling up to him. Chuuya placed his arms around Dazai and kissed his forhead.

Chuuya held dazai hand and started playing with his fingers. Everything was silence but a comfortable silence. Dazai managed to close his eyes with the ginger playing with his hands.

Dazai then had another memory.

~Flash back 4 years ago ~

Oda just got back from a long  from a long day. He noticed Dazai wasn't around and looked for him. He saw the balcony door open and sae Dazai standing outside.

"Dazai" Oda said walking to him.

"ODA~ YOUR BACK" Dazai said with a smile.

"Havent you been to school today" Oda said standing next to him.

"Nah was to lazy"

"That aint smart"

"Oda.. Whats the meaning off life" Dazai said looking down the balcony.

"Thats a question i cant answer. Its your self who has to answer that. Everyone has their own meanings off life. You should try to find yours" Oda said.

"I don't know if i can" Dazai said almost breaking into tears.

Oda then brought Dazai into a hug and said.

"You will one day kid. And when you do. You will feel happy. And have your meaning to life"

"what if i cant find my meaning" Dazai said.

"If you cant ill always be there for you." Oda said.

~End off Flash back~


Im sorry😭

Dont come at me... IM SORRY

Im sad yet this is my own book tf 😭

Anyways.... see you guys in the next chapter

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