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June 16th

After a week dazai finally returned to school for final exams for graduation of their first year off college. Before the day off the exams the students were called by their home room teacher for a discussion.

"Alright everyone. Graduation day is in a week. And so before you take your exams you all have to go thru a carre choice so for next year you will focus on that subject. This year you had all the subject for classes but for next year you will only focus on that subject that you want to do for a career in life." Sakura said handing everyone a list off things to do.

"Mhm. Chibi what do you want to do?" Dazai asked.

"I don't know. My brother is in med school. But i have no interest in becoming a doctor. So i have no idea. What about you?" Chuuya said.

"I dont know either" Dazai said looking at the list.

"And don't worry class. You have the entire summer to decide. And if your not happy you can always change subjects. Thats it for today. Make sure to study" Sakura said dismissing the class.

"HEY. DAZAI-KUN CHUUYA-KUN" Ranpo yelked running up to them.

"Oh hi ranpo" Chuuya said.

"You guys want to come hang out with me and poe" Ranpo offered while poe was in the back waving akwarldy.

"Sure" Chuuya said.

"I cant. Im meeting up with someone. But you can go ahead chibi" Dazai said with a smile.

"Who you meeting up with?" Chuuya questioned

"Some old friends. Don't worry chibi. You have fun" Dazai said with a smile and left.

Chuuya narrowed his eyes but shrugged it off and left with poe and ranpo.

Dazai was walking the streets and stopped Infront off a cafee. He walked insider looking for someone.

"DAZAI-SAN OVER HERE" A boy yelled waving his hand for dazai to come over.

Dazai smilled and walked over where the boy was sitting.

"Atushi-kun. Long time no see-" Dazai said but was cut off by a tight hug from Atushi.

"I missed you. Are you ok? I heard about Odasaku" Atushi said with worry.

"Im doing much better" Dazai said with a smile.

"Really now? Its hard to imagine that" A boy said walking up to the two.

"AKUTAGAWA-KUN" Dazai yelled with a smile and brought akutagawa in a hug ruffling his hair.

"QUIT THAT AND LET ME GO" Akutagawa yelled.

"Aku!! Did you order us food" Atushi said.

"Yes yes i did." Akutagawa said sitting down.

After the 3 off them talked abd catched up. There was some different about Dazai that Atushi noticed. He always checked his phone. Always smiler when he got a notification. It was weird behavior.

"Dazai-san. Quit starring at your phone like a school girl" Akutagawa said.

"Oh! Sorry i was just checking on something" Dazai said with a nervous smile.

"Yeah but your blushing" Atushi pointed out.

"AM NOT" dazai yelled.

The two young boys laughed at Dazai reaction and Dazai changed the topic. After talking, they all left the caffee and went on a walk around the streets for a bit.

College Roommates (soukoku fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now