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A gunshot was fired at Dazai twice. Eliza got up after it was fired and walked close to Dazai to observed his body.

"He's dead" She said.

"Thank lord. Finally thats over. Alright men get rid off the body" Huro said walking out off a room and few men come down and grabbed dazai body.

"You ok sis?" Huro said.

"Ill be fine" Eliza said in a low breaking voice.


Chuuya got back to his dorm and still didn't see dazai. He didn't know what to do. His mind was going in circles at this point. He collapsed on the floor laying his back at the wall thinking off what to do. But then he got a text.

Hello Chuuya-kun, its Ango. Do know where Dazai is by any chance?.

Chuuya looked at the text and it was ango.

No. He's missing I don't know where he went. What the hell is going on?

Im coming over.

After half a hour Ango arrived, Chuuya let ango in and ango had a brief case in it.

"So you gonna tell me what the fuck is going on?" Chuuya asked.

"Mori had a business with someone, for money reasons. But man who he had business with didn't want to give money to Mori unless his son, aka dazai. Married his daughter. And without dazai permission Mori agreed. At the time Dazai was in Tokyo with Oda and he only agreed to it to get Mori off his back" Ango said.

Chuuya blinked in untter disbelief what he was just told.

"After the few months her father died. So the marriage didn't need to continue on. He divorced her but according to her lawyer he never filed a divorce." Ango said

"Where do think dazai ran off to?" Chuuya said.

"I think he was kidnapped. Few days ago Dazai called and said to look into her he had a suspension something was going to go down" Ango said.

"What-" Chuuya said but was cut off by a knock on the door.

Chuuya went to go answer it. As he answered it a police officer was there.

"Hello sir I'm officer Fukuchi. Im sorry to inform you but Osamu Dazai is dead" Fukuchi said.

When Chuuya heard that everything stopped. Time stoped.


"So you actually killed him. Actually took his life" Mori said.

"Im had to." Eliza said.

"You make things complicated Eliza my dear." Mori said getting up from his seat and walking to the window.

"Well atleast he wont be my problem anymore. Its a shame tho. With a brain like Osamu he could off easily be successful" Mori said.

"Mori-san I have to go now" Eliza said.

"Take care dear" Mori said with a smile and Eliza left."


After the officer left. Chuuya was on the floor unable to breath. He's body was shaking like a leaf. Ango was sitting on the table completely shocked.

"Im sorry Odasaku" Ango said.

~Flash Back~

Ango and Oda were at home sitting on the couch. It was a peaceful evening with the two..

"Ango" Oda said.

"Yeah?" Ango replied.

"If i do ever die. Take care off Dazai. Make sure he doesn't die." Oda said.

"I can try but you know what that kid is like. Suicide all the way" Ango said.

"I know but theres something funny that going in with his father and i don't trust" Oda said.

"Don't worry yourself Odasku. But i promise to take care off him" Ango said with a smile.

~End off Flashback~

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