it was just a one night thing

885 21 36

November 1st

The two were awake both still naked from last night, laying in bed not saying a word as last night
memories flashed thru their minds.

"So... That happened" Dazai said breaking the silence.

"It wasn't even a drunk situation. We were both sober" Chuuya said rubbing his eyes.

"So.. What happens now?" Dazai asked.

It took a moment for chuuya to answer, the ginger got up and put on some sweatpants and went to sit at his desk.

"I think we should forget this entire thing" Chuuya said.

"I don't things to get ruined again or lose you so we will never speak off this." Chuuya said.

"So we are just gonna pretend that we never fucked?" Dazai said.

"Look it was just a one night thing. Its not like there was any feelings involved. Right?"

"Right" Dazai said lying to himself.

Dazai knee him and Chuuya would never get back together and he though Chuuya didn't have feelings. It was just a hook up, thats all it was.

Little dazai knew, Chuuya did have feelings.

"Alright. Im gonna go out and get something to eat, want something?" Chuuya asked getting up and putting on a hoodie.

"Yeah, get me whatever" Dazai said putting on some clothes.

"Alright ill be back. Oh make sure to put new bandages on, there falling off." Chuuya said.

"Right. Thanks"

Chuuya walked out the door and when he was outside he saw someone standing looking like he was waiting for someone.

Chuuya started walking ignoring the person till thr person walked up to him looking a bit angry.

"Hey, mister fancy hat. You live there" The boy said.

"What did you just call me?" Chuuya said turning around.

"I said do you live there?"

"Yes i do. Why?"

"Last night, next time you and yours boyfriend have sex keep it down" The boy said.


"RANPO DEAR YOU LEFT YOUR COAT ITS COLD OUT SIDE" A voice from a boy who was running towards the boy who was called Ranpo.

"Poe. Im fine its not cold." Ranpo said.

Chuuya was just standing there confused.

"I don't believe you. If you catch a cold who's gonna end up taking care oft you" Poe said.

"You off course. You love me and you worry about me" Ranpo said with a smirk.

"Ahem... So what the fuck" Chuuya intrupted.

"Oh hello. Im Engar Allan Poe at your services. And this is my love Ranpo Edogawa." Poe introduced himself.

"Poe hes are neighbor, the loud couple from last night" Ranpo said.

"Ok first. We are not a couple. Second can we just move past this is to embarrassing" Chuuya said walking away.

As Chuuya walked away, Ranpo ran up Infront off him to stop him at his strack.

"Hold mister fancy hat. I didn't catch your name" Ranpo said.

"And that's none off your business, bye" Chuuya said walking away.

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