Im crazy for you

684 17 44

TW: lil bit off a wow damn thats gay

March 13th
Saturday 7am

It had been a week in the bulgaria trip, and off course everyone was exhausted from doing tasks for their presentation. Everyone complained for a break but half off the students didn't have anything prepared, Fyodor and Nikolai the entire time wete just going to the beach not even gathering their stuff for information.

Dazai and Chuuya little flirting thing didn't stop, they constantly flirted with each other, turning every situation into a heated moment where they both wanted the same thing. Sex.

But due to them trying to keep it a secret they never got alone time or anything, Ranpo and Poe kept coming over to their room to watch a movie, Tetcho kept hiding in their room to hide from Jouno because Tetcho kept combining foods that annoyed Jouni because off the smell.

But still Dazai and Chuuya still ended up in the same bed, teasing each other and then ended up sleeping together. Not once did they sleep in one bed without each other then whole trip. Both have a hunger for each other to be insider each other.

One morning at 7am. Dazai was awake scrolling on his phone while a sleeping ginger was sleeping on his chest comfortablely. Dazai kept taking pictures off Chuuya sleeping and Dazai at this point had over 256 photos off Chuuya in an album in his gallery.

As Dazai was scrolling on his phone, playing with Chuuya's curly ginger hair. Miss Sakura walked in to the room.

"Good morning Dazai, today we are giving you lot a break day" Sakura said.

"Wait really?" Dazai said.

"Yes, have a break you kids have been working hard, but don't tell Kunikida, he has a headache and neededs some rest so i told him I'll be taking care off everyone, when really im letting all off you take a break" Sakura said with a soft smile.

"Your the best Sakura-san" Dazai said.

Sakura smilled and left. Chuuya woke up frok the noises and was annoyed so he pulled Dazai hair hard.

"OW. good morning to you too slug" Dazai said.

"Shush, im sleeping" Chuuya said getting comfortable again on dazai chest.

"You've been sleeping on my chest fir the past 3 hours, get offff~" Dazai annoyingly said.

Chuuya just snuggled and continued to sleep. Dazai smilled at the ginger till he felt an odd instinct that someone was coming. Dazai quickly moved Chuuya off him and got up to sit on the chair.


Tetcho then came into the room and hid behind a curtain.

"Morning Tetcho, hiding from Jouno again" Dazai said to the boy who was hiding behind the curtain.

"GET BACK HERE" Jouno yelled when he came into the room.

"Morning Jouno" Dazai said.

"Dont morning me Dazai, wheres that annoying ass" Jouno said.

"I don't know" Dazai shrugged.

"Please, i may be blind in this room, it smells off Tetcho" Jouno said.

"How can you smell that well?" Chuuya asked.

"When you've been dating an idiot for that long, you can tell what his scent by memory" Jouno said he was looking around the room for Tetcho.

Jouno finally found Tetcho amd grabbed him by the collar.

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