Mysteries Girl

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Chuuya and Dazai were at the obsical course having fun. They stopped and sat down at their spot.

"Im gonna go and grab us some drinks. Ok chibi" Dazai said getting up.

"Sure" Chuuya said and Dazai left.

Chuuya observing the ocean Infront off him amd sighed in realif how peaceful it is and he was enjoying the trip with his boyfriend.

"Excuse me?" A girl said interrupting Chuuyas thoughts.

"Huh. Yeah?" Chuuya said.

"I couldn't help but realize you were with Dazai Osamu? You know him?" She said.

"Yeah he's my boyfriend? Who the hell are you?" Chuuya asked.

"Boyfriend. Then i should warn you to stay away from my husband" The girl said angrily.

"Husband. Bitch the fuck are you talking about?" Chuuya said with a raised eyebrow.

"He's my husband. And i want you to stay away from him. If your not gone by the end off the day, then he will too" She said and walked off.

Chuuya looked confused. He questioned what she meant by that.

After 2 hours dazai finally returned with the drinks.

"Here you go. That took for ever." Dazai complained and sat down.

He noticed Chuuya looking troubled.

"You ok?" Dazai asked.

"Are you married?" Chuuya asked not looking at the brunette.

There was silence between the two and dazai expression turnrd into a dark one.

"So she is here" Dazai said in low voice.

"What the girl who's aperently your wife?" Chuuya said looking at the brunette.

"Chuuya i can explain. But its complicated." Dazai said.

"Your fucking MARRIED AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Chuuya shouted.

"I can explain-"

"Save it for later dipshit" Chuuya said amd walked away.

Dazai didn't follow after him knowing that the ginger needed some space.

"Fuck" Dazai said.

~time skip~

Chuuya got back to the hotel room after calming down. He walked in exspexting to see dazai there, but he wasn't. Chuuya texted him and called him but no answer. He sat down on the bed and noticed a note.

Note: *I told you if your not gone then he will be gone ♡*

"FUCK" Chuuya yelled.

He tried phoning dazai again and again and again, but still no answer. He rang the phone one more time and heard a female voice pick up.

*Stop calling* She said and hanged up the phone.

~When dazai was getting the drinks~

Dazai was standing in line when he flet someone tap on his shoulders. He turned around and saw a boy looking at him.

"Hello bother in law" The boy said with a smirk.

"The hell are you doing here Huro?" Dazai asked.

"You silly. The lady misses you, you know?" Huro said.

"I don't care" Dazai said turning his back.

"Hey listen here punk, i didn't want my sister to marry a little gay twink but she did. Now you had a deal you are married i suggest you go back to her" Huro said turning dazai around and pointing his finger.

"Tough talk for someone who kid. But still no. Im filled the divorce when i left for college." Dazai said.

"You think the divorce was finaled. Think again you two are still married. I don't want to bring your father into this" Huro said.

"Listen here, i will file that divorce again and it better be finaled and go away you weirdo" Dazai said and left to go get drinks from somewhere else.


Dazai woke up in a weird room. He was handcuffed to a chair, he looked around the room and saw no one. Later on he heard someone walking down the stairs.

"Kidnapping? Well that's new for you. Eliza" Dazai said looking at the girl was standing Infront off him.

"Osamu" Eliza said leaned down closer to Dazai amd connected their lips together.

Dazai bashed his head on the girl and she fell backwards yelling out a cry in pain.

"You piece off shit, am i not enough. Do i have to look like that short ginger or something" Eliza said with tears.

Dazai just ignored her. Eliza then grabbed a baseball bat and hit him over the head.


"Forced you mean. I didn't have any intentions on marrying you in the beginning. You know my father only wanted our marriage to happen so he can get the money from your father. Well Mori has the money now and our marriage is not needed anymore" Dazai said looking at the girl with narrowed eyes.

"I DONT CARE. I LOVE YOU OSAMU. PLEASE COME BACK TO" Eliza yelled with anger and tears.

"No" Dazai said in a happy tone and stuck out his tongue.

Eliza then got on her knees and started violently sobbing holding the baseball bat.

"Im sorry" She said.

And a gunshot was fired.

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