
414 12 25

June 25th

Chuuya woke up from raging headace he got up from the bed and limped to the kitchen to get some headache tablets. He got some water and the medicine and took it, he then sat down on the table and laid his head down. Dazai the came out off the bedroom feeling the same way.

"Your up" Chuuya said as Dazai walked to get medicine for his head.

"We drank way to much" Dazai said in a graspy voice.

"You fucking destroyed my back you dipshit" Chuuya complained.

"I dont regret that. You asked for it" Dazai said moving to the table and sat down.

"In a minute im going to ask again if you don't shut the fuck up with that low ass sleepy voice" Chuuya said annoyed and looked at the brunette sitting Infront off him.

"Well if you insist~" Dazai said in a singsong voice.

"I will kick your balls" Chuuya said.

Dazai broke out in laughter and watched the ginger groan in pain as he got up.

"Im going to shower" Chuuya said.

"Can i join?" Dazai said looking at the ginger.

"No" Chuuya said and closed the door the bathroom.

~time skip~

After they both showered and got dressed they both were packing to go on the trip. After packing they heard a knock on the door. Chuuya went to go open it and it was.

"Verlaine???" Chuuya said with surprised.

"Hey shoeya. Im here" Verlaine said with a proud smile.

"The fuck you doing here??!?" Chuuya asked with narrowed eyes.

"Im here to take you guys to your love vacation." Verlaine said walking inside.

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT?!?" Chuuya yelled.

"Duh I have your Google account on my laptop so i can see thru your search history" Verlaine said.

"SHIT HEAD" Chuuya yelled and eas about to kick Verlaine but he avoid it.

Dazai walked out the bedroom looking confused to whu Verlaine was here.


"Ive had your account since your last year off highschool. By the way im disgusted by your 16 self" Verlaine said.

Chuuya thru a plate at Verlaine but he dodged it. Dazai started laughing at the situation and Chuuya glared at the brunette.

"No way your driving us there. Dont you have something better to do??" Chuuya asked looking at his brother.

"No, id rather annoy you homos" Verlaine said.

"Yeah but you will have to drop us off then go by yourself. The drive is long" Dazai said.

"Thats fine ill just book a room too" Verlaine said.

Chuuya was about to punch him but got a idea.

"Hey Verlaine could you go to the store and get snacks and we will meet you at your car. And gimme your keys so we can put the stuff in" Chuuya said.

"Alright, ill meet you guys there in 20 minutes" Verlaine said with a happy smile gave the keys to Chuuya and left.

Chuuya and Dazai both walked out off their dorm with their bags and put in the car. Chuuya then got in the driver and sit and gestured dazai to get in.

College Roommates (soukoku fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now