Chapter 16: The Snake

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"This is all your fucking fault!" Harisson yells. "You just had to kill him, did you?"

"For the last time," Julian said angrily through gritted teeth. "He killed himself using my dagger. I had no idea he was going to do it."

"That's not what the damn government says! They pinned the murder on you and now you're going to get it."

"It doesn't matter who killed him or why they did it," Walter stops them. "All that matters now is that the country of Enasia is going against Harringdale. We're talking about the possibility of a war here."

There was concerned and worried chatter among the people at the table.

"Maybe that's a good thing," Gilbert declares. "That means they'll help us bring them down." The idea never came into realization that it would benefit them.

"War is not always a good thing," Walter argues. "Perhaps they may be fighting on our side but there are always grave consequences. We can be seeing the destruction of our land, the murder of innocent people, the theft of our ressources and the loss of money."

"As one benefits, another suffers," Julian added. "Are we willing to take the risk and suffer the consequences?"

"This is the closest opportunity to bring the government down. We are one step closer in finally achieving our goal," Bennett says. "This is what the people want. They are willing to die for this. If they risk their lives, we should too."

"Aye. I agree with the lad," Harisson spoke up. "We will use any means necessary to do it, war or no war, as long as we reach our goal."

Gilbert had doubts in his mind. "Well, what if there's no war? Who'll support us then?"

"We will always have the support of the people," Julian answered. "They will forever be by our side. Never doubt the power of a nation's people."

Everyone at the table nodded in agreement.

"War is our closest and most guaranteed option," Benett says. "Enasia is a powerful country and they will be able to destroy Harringdale's government since it has become weaker."

"I suppose we can thank Julian for triggering the first step to a war," Harisson adds sarcastically.

"I never intended to kill him!" Julian yelled angrily as he suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Sit down, boy. We don't care whether it was intentional or not," Walter said calmly. Julian grumbled and slowly sat in his seat.

Walter continued. "All that matters now is that his death can create a potential war, and it can be in our favor."

Julian could not argue with their point. Although it was beneficial for their cause, he could not easily accept the death of Edwin than the others. He was still continuing to grieve and mourn for his friend. No one could ever understand the sadness he felt in his heart.

He was lost in his thoughts and zoned out until he heard a faint voice calling his name. "- Julian? Sir Julian? Are you listening? Are you aware of what our next plan will be?" asked Walter.

Julian was a little hazy. He replied with a question. "Will we be expecting war then?"

"Yes, Julian," answered Walter. "If you were listening, we will be planning to ambush the castle right after the first of the Enasian forces attack the kingdom. This will be the last time the Revolutionists will create an attack on the castle. This time, I shall ask Sir Benett to lead this operation."

"Yes, Sir. I am greatly honoured by this duty you have given me. I will fulfill it to the best of my abilities," Benett declares proudly. Harrison scoffs as he rolled his eyes. 

Benett stood from his seat and spoke up. "Once the Enasian forces attack, the kingdom will be preoccupied with battling them. They can be used as a kind of distraction. With most of the kingdom's army being sent into battle, there will be little defence around the castle. We shall take advantage of this and ambush the castle when it has been cleared. You, my friend Julian, may then confront the queen and claim your precious throne," he smiled at him.

Julian smiled back. "Sounds like a plan," he stated.

"We just need to know for sure when they will declare war," Harisson adds.

"I will report to you when it is confirmed," Walter answered. He knew he would be the first to know of the things that happen inside the castle.

"After it is confirmed, we will execute the plan. Are there any objections?" There were no objections at the table.

"Then let this meeting come to an end," he concluded.

"So be it said, so be it done."


A month later...

Walter, disguised as Alphonse, stood behind the queen at her service. He watched her as she was looking over the balcony.

"You know, Alphonse, even though I look over this balcony everyday, I do not focus on the kingdom. Do you know where I set my eyes upon?"

"No, I do not, Your Majesty."

"There," she pointed at the hills and mountains far behind the country. "I always look beyond my kingdom. It is where my true goals lie. Some say that I am free to do whatever I want, travel wherever I want, when in truth, it is the exact opposite."

She sighed and stared at a distance for a few minutes. "Maybe if I were not queen..."

She then turned to him. "I trust you will not speak of this to anyone?"

"Never, Your Majesty."

"Good. I can always trust you Alphonse." She said softly, "You are one of the last few people I can trust."

Walter had never felt so weak-minded. He would never forget those words she just said to him. Indecisiveness and hesitation were overcoming his emotions. Doubts were crawling in his mind and the thought of betrayal was sickening.

The doors opened as a worried messenger carried a letter across the hall. "Your Majesty," he called.

"I do not wish to be disturbed right now," she said without looking back.

The messenger turned to Alphonse. "Please, this is important."

"You heard Her Majesty. Must she repeat herself?" Alphonse asked sternly. "She does not wish to be disturbed."

"Then could you please give her this letter from the king and queen of Enasia?" he begged. He kneeled down and presented the letter to him with both hands.

Alphonse slowly took the letter from his hands. He looked at the messenger and nodded to him. The messenger left quickly after.

"Your Majesty," Alphonse called softly.

"What did he give you?" she asked.

"A letter from Enasia."

She turned around and hesitantly took the letter from his hands. She opened it up and unraveled the piece of paper. As she was reading the letter, her expression slowly turned into worry.

"Your Majesty?" he asked, concerned. "What is it?" Although deep inside he knew what it was.

She was trembling with worry and shook her head. She suddenly ripped the letter into small pieces and placed them in a nearby torch. They both watched as the fire burned the pieces of paper slowly into ashes.

She walked back towards the balcony and stood facing the kingdom.

"Enasia has declared war against us."

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