Chapter 8: The Lion

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The operation expanded rapidly in less than a few months. Small groups of soldiers were sent to check every single tavern in the nearby city of Whitecrest. Day by day, the search finally narrowed down to one remaining tavern: The Popinjay. It was said to be the quietest but most dangerous one of all. Philippa was dreading to know why.

That night, she had a large group of soldiers with her under disguise. "I will go in first with three other men. Thaddeus, you keep watch from outside. Be ready for my signal," she ordered. "Hand me my cloak."

Philippa was known to be a commander of tactics rather than violence. Although she never despised a fight here and there, she always played it clever. But when desperate times called for desperate measures, she was a ferocious beast on the battlefield.

She pulled the hood over her head and entered.

There were only a few people inside - less than what she anticipated. She gestured at the other three to spread out across the room. She spotted an empty seat at a table and sat down.

"What would you like to drink for tonight, Sir?" a tavern wench asked.

"Just a glass of wine, please," Philippa replied.

"Of course! Right away, Sir - "

" - Make that two glasses of wine," said a voice from behind.

Philippa turned around to see a young man dressed in a black hooded jacket with brown pants. It was the man she was searching for - Julian Cardiff. He walked to her table and sat down across from her.

"Not a heavy drinker, I assume?" he asked.

"No," she replied.

"You don't look like a usual here. What brings you to this shitty tavern?"

I must mislead him somehow, she thought. "A shitty day, I suppose."

This peaked his interest. He smiled. "It can't be that bad. You can tell me anything."

"Why should I trust you?"

"I'm a man of many secrets. Everyone entrusts me with their problems." He noticed she did not believe him.

He leaned in closely. "See that man over there? The drunk one?" He pointed.

Almost everyone in the room was drunk. Her eyes followed to where he was pointing towards a big and old drunk with brown tattered dirty clothes filled with alcohol and vomit.

"He's actually quite a rich man. But he always drinks. When he comes home, he brings some whores with him. And when he's drunk, he beats his wife." He shook his head. "The poor wife..." Philippa seemed not to care.

He leaned in closer to her and whispered, "I fucked his wife."

Suddenly, her eyes widened in disbelief. He chuckled. "Now I told you something about me. It's your turn."

She looked at him oddly. "I have not slept with another man's woman."

"It does not have to be about women."

"You seem more interested in women."

"That's because I am," he laughed. "I fucking love women." He grinned a sardonic smile. "I love fucking them too."

He looked at her intently. His stare seemed to expose her even though she had not removed her disguise yet. Does he already know who I am? Has he found out that I am actually a woman?

Philippa was starting to feel nervous when the tavern wench interrupted her thoughts. "Two glasses of fine wine for the two fine men."

"Why, thank you Marjorie! Stunning as always," Julian complimented.

Marjorie giggled. "Oh, Julian, you rogue." And she walked away with a beaming smile.

They both drank down their wine. Philippa was looking down at her empty glass. "Alright. I'll tell you."

Julian looked up from his glass.

She thought for a moment and then spoke softly. "A dear friend of mine was badly injured by another man - his enemy. I plan to get revenge on this man."

He looked tense. "Do you plan to kill him tonight?"


He was uncertain for a minute. "What shall you have me do?"

She felt more relieved at those words. "I want you to assist me in finding and killing him."

"My services do not come for free."

"I will pay you any amount you like."

She got up from her seat, placed a few coins on the table and started walking towards the exit. Julian followed by getting out of his seat and walking behind her. He suddenly stopped. "How can I trust you?"

She smiled at him. "I, too, am a man of many secrets."

With that response, he smiled back and then they both exited the tavern.


As soon as they exited, Julian started laughing. His maniacal laughter stopped them from their tracks. Philippa was confused. "What is it?"

"You think I haven't noticed?"


"You are quite the woman, Philippa. High Constable of the queen's army and commander-in-chief! What an honourable title... After all these years, my sister still actually cares for you."

She was starting to feel red with anger. She could only hold it in.

"Such titles will only last for so long, my lord. Or my lady, I suppose."

"How did you kno - "

" - How would I not know? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

He walked closer to her. "What do they call you? Ah yes, the Red Knight. Fierce but clever like a lion. All these names, yet nothing to prove them. Is that right, Philippa?"

Her rage was starting to consume her. Not here, not right now, she thought. She murmured quietly, "I can prove them."

"Eh? I couldn't quite catch that."

"I can prove them!" she yelled. "All men! Now!" She brought two fingers to her lips and gave a loud whistle. As soon as she gave that signal, there were forty blades pointing at Julian with forty men behind them.

He felt shackles being cuffed on his wrists. "Julian Alexander Heyworth, you are under arrest for the crimes of assault, treason, murder, theft, conspiracy, and fraud." She held a sword at his neck. "Don't you dare escape this time."

He laughed. "You have definitely proved your worth, my lord." The soldiers around him lead him towards a carriage.

He turned around one last time. "I respect you."

Thaddeus kicked him in the knee. "Shut your arse, you fucking prick!"

Philippa watched the carriage stroll away along with the rest of the soldiers. She dropped her sword to the ground and crouched down. Her hands were burried in her face. She felt tears creeping at the corner of her eyes.

"I'm so weak," she whispered to herself.

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