Chapter 11: The Snake

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In a swift moment, he found himself being led by a group of Revolutionists, away from the gallows.

He took one quick look behind him. The sight was atrocious. The citizens were overthrowing the soldiers, tackling them to the ground and bashing their heads with stones. They were screaming, rioting, as if this moment was their calling. They took this as a chance to lash out their many years of anger. They no longer looked human but more like wild beasts; unleashed to feed upon their prey.

Every Revolutionist in the square took their sword and killed any soldier in their sight. The help of the civilians made this easier. The ones surrounding Julian were covering him as they led him to a carriage in waiting. As soon as he stepped in, the carriage took off.

He found himself facing Walter who sat across from him. He did not look pleased. "What now?" Julian asked simply.

This infuriated Walter. "We just saved your sorry ass from being executed and all you ask is what now?! Have you no shame? Do you not care about the lives we are putting at stake? Many died in order to rescue you and - "

" - Thank you, Sir Walter. I sincerely mean it. You have my deepest apologies if I have angered you."

The older man's face softened. "I was truly worried about you, Julian. I thought you were actually going to die. I wouldn't know what to do if you were dead. I can't have you dying on me yet, son."

Julian smiled. "Are you turning soft on me, Old Man? You might want to wipe that tear coming from your eye, or would you like me to wipe it for you?"

Walter flushed in embarrassment. "Shut up, you bastard! I would never cry for you." There was a hint of a smile that spread on his face.

Julian burst into laughter. He laughed as if he had no care for the world. He laughed even though it was not even that funny. But there was a reason for his laughter. He thought about his life, how he escaped death - twice. He thought about how ironic it was that his sworn enemy was his only sister. He thought about how cowardly he was to leave all his people to die back there. Finally, he thought about how truly pathetic his entire life was - how he was living a lie.

He looked down at his palms and found tear drops that were falling from his face. "I'm the one who is turning soft, aren't I, Sir Walter?"

Walter shook his head. "No, Julian," he put his hand on his. "You are the bravest man I have ever met. Be proud of yourself because I am certainly proud of you."

Julian wiped away his tears. "Thank you."

The carriage strolled away from the city, into the approaching sunset of the horizon.


"Come on, boy. You're alive for fuck's sake! Drink a lil' more!"

A large celebration was being held at the Popinjay for the rough victory and the freed captive. The battle was not yet over, but it was only temporary. Behind the black curtains, the head Revolutionists gathered around a table with drinks in one hand and a whore on the other.

"Sir Julian, I must ask, at a moment, did you really feel like you were about to die?" Asked the commander of weapons, Bennett.

"I thought I saw him shitting himself up there." Teases Harrisson, commander of training.

"You wouldn't even make it to the gallows, you arse," Julian countered.

"Because he's too busy cleaning up his own shit," Gilbert exclaims.

"Can we all just agree that we're glad that Sir Julian is safe and back with us and move the fuck on?" Walter interrupted loudly.

"Yes Sir," they all stopped talking.

"Now," he raised his voice. "We all know that Queen Alyssia has left Harringdale to have her wedding with Prince Edwin in Enasia. Which means the government of Harringdale is at its weakest point right now. This is the best chance to strike. The Queen is no longer in charge which means only the High Constable has authority."

"Which is Lord Phillip, if I recall," says Bennett.

"Yes, Lord Phillip."

"Are we not targeting the Queen?" Asks Harrisson.

"I never said we were not targeting her."

"What use will killing Lord Phillip do?" says Gilbert. "The Queen can always replace a High Constable."

"But this is no ordinary High Constable, Sir Gilbert. The Queen and Lord Phillip have been the greatest of friends for a long time." Walter remarked. "Killing Lord Phillip will change the Queen. It will affect her emotionally and mentally."

The majority of the group was starting to understand what he was trying to say. "Is that our mission now? To kill Lord Phillip?" One of them spoke.

"Yes. Do we all agree on this?"

"No," Julian spoke up.

"And what is it now that you have in mind, Sir Julian?"

"We must wait. The Queen will return... As soon as she hears news of my escape, she will return. I know she will." I know my own sister, he thought.

"And if she doesn't return? What shall we do then?"

"Then we can eliminate Phillip."

"Do we all agree with Sir Julian's plan of waiting until the return of the Queen?"

The group was uncertain. They were glancing around, giving each other looks, whispering inaudible things.

"Aye," says Gilbert. He would always agree with his friend.

"As long as I get to drink while we wait I will say aye," Harrisson said.

"Think of this not as a period of break, but more as a chance to prepare ourselves," Walter indicated.

"More preparation means more weapon-making. I say aye," says Bennett.

The rest of the group members all nodded and agreed with the plan.

"Well, there it is," Walter concluded. "Let this meeting come to an end as we cast our final words."

All at once, the group spoke in unison. "So be it said, so be it done."

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