Prelude: The End of a Beginning

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This fanfiction contains graphic content ranging from violence, sex, gore, to references of sexual abuse, trauma, and depraved behaviors. There will be HEAVY topics.



And THANK YOU TO ALL THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE READ THIS FANFIC BEFORE IT WAS PUBLISHED! Thank you to the amazing BG3 community for all your support!

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Prelude: The End of a Beginning

I was in freefall, my pale, bloodied fingers curling up against the wind as my dark hair brushed upon my face in a hiss, the earth below opening wide to consume me whole. The skies a bruised dark purple, my vision began to dizzy. It all became a haze, a blur. There was a sharp pain in my head as if my very skull was exposed to the elements, and perhaps it might as well have been. I felt something within it, squirming around, latching onto my cerebrum.

But you know how they always say, at the very end, your life flashes before your eyes? I didn't see anything, there was nothing for me. After all, what was there worth remembering other than meaningless carnage and horror? It was then I realized in that freefall, those short thirty seconds, that I was in the wrong. Everything I'd done, meant nothing. In the end, I was just as worthless as the lives I had taken. Before even hitting the ground and accepting my fate entirely, I had prepared myself for the end, it was time for me to go.

And just when I expected my body to hit the ground with a bone-shattering force, I landed not on something hard, but on something soft, warm, sticky, and red. Piles of corpses so high that I could only dream of achieving such a feat. Some of them beneath me were still alive, squabbling and crying. One of them annoyed me so much, I managed to sink my fingers into his eye sockets, delving my nails into them until I felt the rim of his bone. Despite being in such a dire situation, I did not shy away from one final kill.

Yet agony still coursed through me, blood gurgling from my mouth and head, drowning me in sanguinity. Laughing maniacally, choking on my own fluid, I welcomed death, feeling it caress me as I teetered on the brink of dissociation. I heard not screams but silence as the shadow of the tower rested upon these forsaken lands. I felt as though the darkness was to caress me into its loving arms and turn me into one of those ghastly figures. From the corner of my eye I thought I saw one of them. It was something blurry and hooded, though it moved too intelligently to be one of them. Without any hesitation, I looked right at it, its arms reaching out towards me like a parent to a child.

And in that moment I felt a pain so horrid, that death would be a mercy. I was a disappointment, was I not? After all, I had failed him, betrayed by my very own kin. With what little effort I had in my left arm, I lifted my hand, my fingers reaching out to the shadow of the figure whose apparition was so unclear that I could not even see its face. For my eyes felt as though they were drowning in my own blood.

''F-Father? F-Father...why? Why have you forsaken me?''

I uttered softly as tears streamed down my bloodied face. Whatever the apparition was, it hovered over my body. It finally stepped closer to me, poking and prodding my flesh as if I were merely roadkill. I heard a quiet, satisfied whimper as the being wrapped its hands around my shoulders, emitting a small hum as it pulled me by my arms, dragging me down the pile of corpses. Despite wanting to scream, no words could escape me; I was frozen, paralyzed. Unable to recall anything further, I shut my eyes, prepared to embrace my imminent end. This was it. My reign of terror had ended abruptly.

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