Chapter 11: A Kiss with Shadows

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Chapter 11: A Kiss with Shadows

The leaves were brown, the branches of the trees within the cemetery were as dead as the corpses whose nutrients they fed upon. A large gathering of people wearing black and white stood around the Mercasiel family mausoleum, the priestess and priest waving and chanting guidance to the Gods so that Olred's soul would make it to the afterlife, to unite with his family as was the elven belief. Yet it hurt, knowing that all these prayers were but for waste, the man in the coffin was not Olred, for his body was attached to Bhaal, his soul offered to him. Our elven lady was standing by herself, before the doors of the mausoleum as they entombed the body.

Seraphina wore a black veil of mourning over her head, a small hat upon her hair, her green eyes glossy with tears. She had not eaten well, nor drank much water, she starved herself for a few days. It had been almost a week since she had met Astarion again, and in two days they planned to meet again. It was the only thing she had on her mind: to see him. She had not invited him to the funeral and Astarion knew fully well why. If he had come, it would have looked suspicious.

As the ceremony was over, people walked to her distant relatives, her father's acquaintances and the whatnot, most of whom were unaware of what he truly was, a Bhaalist. Seraphina felt exhausted, her heart heavy as she finally took a moment to breathe for herself. She stepped away from the funeral activities and walked down towards the cliff, placing her hands firmly on the metal bars as she reached out, staring at the view of the city.

''What are you doing here all alone?''

A female voice asked from behind her, Seraphina gasped, turning herself around to come face to face with Lady Gwendolyn. She smiled, her blonde hair tied up neatly into a regal bun, she walked closer to her, holding up a small black satchel.

''I-I just...needed some time by myself...''

Seraphina whispered, grabbing the satchel. She looked inside and counted the potions.

''Mhmm...I counted, I gave you seven bottles of Wombsdraught...that should be enough to prevent pregnancy for over a year.''

Lady Gwendolyn whispered, taking a step closer to her, her eyes wandered her body, realizing how sickly Seraphina looked, but did not remark upon it.

''T-Thank you...I was going to get them myself...but I have an appearance to keep.''

Seraphina whispered, hiding the small satchel of bottles in the large pocket of her dress. Inside them was a particularly effective potion to prevent pregnancy, made from a variety of ingredients. It was bitter tasting, but other than that had no side effects at all. It was how the Bhaalist women of the temple could have so much sex without ever getting a child bearing scare.

''I am a lady's lady...I always have my eye out for my fellow women.''

She smirked, biting the corner of her lip as she said it. But Seraphina was not in the mood.

''I read your wanted to meet at Lord Estralel's gathering next week?''

Seraphina asked as if confirming if she read the message correctly.

''Yes, it's rather important. You need to watch your back now, Seraphina. There are eyes upon you...I'm so surprised that you do not see what I see.''

Gwendolyn raised her fair brow.

''See what?''

She asked, rather too tired for her charades.

''Has your wonderful congregation of Ilmater not told you?''

She smiled, a sickly smile.

''No? Told me what?''

Seraphina took a step back, confused.

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