Chapter 6: A Touch of Luxury

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Chapter 6: A Touch of Luxury

The young pale elf stood in the garden of the courtyard to the Mercasiel Villa, he was waiting to be let in by her servants. To pass the time he plucked a singular dried rose, carefully plucking the petals one by one, wondering and thinking of what his Lady had in store for him today. Yet he felt a strange feeling in his gut, as if something was wrong. And there was, the problem was him.

''Having a nice stroll in the garden, Mr. Ancunin?''

A delicate woman's voice asked, he was startled for a moment, dropping the stem of the rose. He made a little bow, his lips forming into a small smile. Of course it was Seraphina, she was dressed in an all yellow satin gown, her hair neatly braided into a bun, her lips lightly tinted and cheeks powdered. While her gown was not fancy enough for a ball, it was certainly fancy for the modest clothes she normally wore. Astarion took a step back timidly.

''It would've been a nice stroll with you by my side...''

He said rather flirtatiously. Seraphina laughed, gently taking off her white gloves, and tapped him on his shoulder.

''Very sweet of you! Come to my carriage, we have a long day ahead of us!''

She took his arm, pulling him carefully. Astarion was deeply curious as to what she had in mind. He glanced down at her, smiling.

''And I do wonder what that surprise you spoke of was...''

He asked, gently lifting her up into the carriage. Seraphina let out a small squeal when he picked her up, as he'd never done that before. Quite frankly, Astarion had not even realized he'd simply grabbed her by the waist and done it either. He hopped in, waiting for the driver to close the doors shut. Seraphina took out a small fan from her inner dress pocket, fanning herself, she looked away from him.

'''ll see...when we get there.''

The carriage ride did not last long so they did not speak of many things, Seraphina kept her lips sealed, quite sure that he would certainly be appreciative of what she had in store for him. When they both exited the cabin, Seraphina pointed to the large tableau of a finely decorated building, ''De Lur Raymond: Finest Baldurian Garments & Fabrics''

Astarion glanced at her knowing exactly what she was up to.

''Why are we here?''

He asked her anyway, raising his brow.

''To get you something nice to wear for tonight's ball...and it will be a real ball, unlike whatever it was your university held...''

Seraphina chuckled, leaning forward gently rubbing her arm against his. Astarion furrowed his brows for a moment, he felt oddly touched by her generosity. But before he could say anything, she tugged him into the shop.

''Raymond is really the best, he fixes all of my gowns, prepares the greatest outfits I mean really, he's marvelous...I'm sure he can craft up something wonderful for you, my dear.''

Seraphina gently placed her hand on his cheek, which was now all red and rosy. He felt genuinely excited, he had dreamed about being in a real tailor's shop since he was a child. His eyes darted to and fro, at all the sewing equipment, the fabric that was neatly stored away in glass cases and shelves against the wall. The collection of threads and needles in vast cabinets and the overall elegance of the store.

''Gods...this is...incredible...''

He whispered, his eyes growing large as he walked forward, placing his hands on a sewing wheel that was so well crafted it even had gold stems inlaid into it.

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