Chapter 4: To Lure a Fly to a Web

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Chapter 4: To Lure a Fly to a Web

Do you know the way prey begs for mercy when a lioness grasps it by her claws? Her body is weighed upon the fragile gazelle, her nails sunk deep into the neck of the beast. At first it struggles, wildly, lashing out, body flailing, until it finally accepts its fate. While its life is slipping from its eyes, the lioness tears apart the creature limb by limb, letting her cubs consume the kill. The lioness eats no part of that flesh, it merely watches its sacrifice, knowing that it would likely not be in vain as she hungered instead. That was how Seraphina felt, she was the lioness and the cubs were her fellow siblings.

Wretched as it may have been, she did the work her fellow Bhaalspawn could not do and she felt as though she was meant to watch the feast, without partaking in the consumption. She wondered if these ''cubs'' of hers would eat her alive if they ever starved, despite all the sacrifices she had made for them. But that was the nature of being a Bhaalist: blood, betrayal, depravity. This was what her father had intended it to be. Seraphina was the oldest of the current Bhaalspawn; there were not many, and no one but a closely knit group of Bhaalists knew of their existence. Many of her siblings were produced from lesser nobles or common people, though their current number did not exceed that of thirteen.

In the meantime, Seraphina stared at her naked body in the mirror of her large bathroom. She placed her hands on her stomach, slowly running them down to her hips. She tilted her head to the side, wondering what scent Astarion would prefer on her skin. What she could use to seduce the poor elf. Her hair was undone completely, so long and dark, down to her waist. Delicate curls formed around the ends of her otherwise straight hair. She reached forward to her vanity's counter, grabbing a special kind of powdered rouge, laced with an aphrodisiac. Having perfected the recipe over a long period of time, this would undoubtedly make her irresistible.

She then sprayed her body with a soft feminine scent, jasmine petals and fresh petunias. Seraphina smiled at her reflection, her body was gorgeous, as if carved by the hands of Sune and Sharess themselves. She bent men and women over with this flesh, making them crave her skin, leaving them dumbfounded and addicted to her and only her. She was like a poison frog, pretty to look at, but painful to touch. Glancing at herself once more, she chose to forgo underwear and instead donned a loosely fitting nightgown. The garment, mildly transparent and extending down to her ankles, teasingly showcased the full allure of her lovely round breasts. She then pulled a dark velvet robe over her shoulders, before putting on her slippers. Now prepared, she headed over to her library. She had called off her servants to sleep early, so that she would have extra time with the elf.

Astarion was entirely oblivious to the fate which awaited him, sitting innocently in her library, reading a book he had grabbed off one of her shelves, hoping she would not mind. He was wearing a simple night shirt and pants, nothing too extravagant. Seraphina creaked the door open gently, watching him from the crack. Slowly she stepped in, though he still did not notice her, enthralled by the book he was reading. She walked towards him as if she floated. The robe she wore fluttered rather majestically behind her. It took a long moment before Astarion felt her presence, his lovely blue eyes glittering under the light of the moon, which was so bright there was no need for a candle. When he finally noticed her, he took another minute, staring at her, caught off guard by the serenity on her face. She was expressionless, but her profile looked so soft, enhanced by the wonderfully carved cupid lips she had. In his eyes, she seemed ethereal to him, as if she were not of this world, for she was far too good for it.

''Lady Seraphina...''

He uttered softly, his Adam's apple quivering softly as he spoke. He got up, bowing his head with immediate respect, especially for the kindness she had granted him. Once Lady Seraphina approached him, she placed her hand lightly on his chest, beckoning him to sit. Immediately he caught onto the floral scent of her skin, he eased, glancing down at where she placed her fingers, a part of him only wishing she had left them there longer. Astarion in all honesty had no idea what he was doing. He was just excited, this all felt too good to be true for him. His luck had always run dry, with everything in his life. He often joked that he spent all his good fortune on his pretty looks and charm.

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