Chapter 7: A Most Lovely Ball

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Chapter 7

Arriving at the Palace of Count Frostbane was a dream like no other. Astarion could hardly believe his eyes, at the plates of luxury, he had thought that his lover's villa was rich, but no, this was just pure gluttony. Gold walls, diamond and rubies inlaid even in the tapestries. His head was spinning, so many sounds, so many people, so many things happening all at once. His blue eyes grew large, lips slightly parted as he took in a breath of fresh air. This was everything he had wished for, desired. Something so intangible to him for so long, was within his grasp. Lady Seraphina gently tugged on his arm leading him to be greeted by the servants of the palace. Astarion glanced at her, mimicking her actions, the way she held up her head, chin up, her movements slow and graceful. He rather did the same, and together they entered the ball, hearing the bards sing and play songs of old as the wealthy danced and conversed.

''My Lady Seraphina! Oh by the Gods you look divine!''

An old round halfing man walked up to her, wearing a single monocle on his eye, his thick red eyebrows practically holding it in place for him. Seraphina lowered her gaze, a sweet smile appearing on her face. This was the man who her ''father'' Olred had worked with for handling his banking and accounting needs. She bowed her head.

''Saer Rumsford...and you look rather handsome yourself tonight.''

She chuckled, but the man could not help but notice the pale elf beside her.

''Is this your date for the ball, well I do not think I've seen him before...''

He squinted his eyes.

''Astarion Ancunin, Saer Rumsford...a pleasure to be of your acquaintance.'''

He lowered his head and the way he spoke sounded more posh, more noble, just as she had told him to do. She smiled, thinking he was a fast learner, which was exactly what she needed.

''And of yours...any friend of our fine Lady is a friend of mine.''

He chuckled, holding up a glass of wine.

''Do enjoy the refreshments, before the Duchess gets too intoxicated...''

He sighed, glancing at the laughing woman who was surrounded by other members of nobility. Astarion raised his brow.


He whispered to Seraphina as she excused herself from Rumsford.

''Yes...I told you my dear...there would be very important people tonight. And me being with you tonight, well the city will talk of it for sure. They'll wonder who you are...if we are lovers, friends, enemies...perhaps even a distant relative. Don't tell them I'm your sponsor. Don't tell them, just speak of what you already know.''

She uttered softly to him, then gently smiled, rubbing his back as if she had not offered him practically life-saving advice. Astarion gave a small nod, he had to admit, he had dreamed of being to balls such as this one since he was a child. He'd often dreamed of being married to a prince or princess and living in a palace as grand as this, yet he had not expected how boring it would be. There were at least twenty or so people who had greeted Lady Seraphina and each time she said the same thing, and so did he. With every greeting, he got better and better at polishing his manners.

''Oh what a charming young man! Wherever did you find him?''

An old noblewoman laughed, gently tapping Seraphina's shoulder. She laughed with her, glancing at Astarion as if asking for help to save her from this conversation.

''The Gods really gifted him to me, whatever more could I tell you Maybel?''

''And I think a charming young woman like yourself might be in need of more...refinements...''

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