Chapter 12: Uncovering

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Chapter 12

Two days had passed since the infamous ''Golden Rabbit Heist'' and Seraphina had been interviewed by the Flaming Fist twice already. She was unsure of exactly what happened or who that man was, but she felt something strange. It was like an itch in her skull, the more she thought about it, the more it made sense, yet it also did not. Deep down she knew who it was, as impossible as it seemed. She left her palace early in the morning, wearing her discreet gray cloak and simple dress. She walked all the way to the lower city in great urgency. Today was the day she was to meet Astarion, though he was nor expecting her so early, nor at his abode. They were supposed to meet at her offices, she had even given him an invitation and informed her guards already. But this was urgent, and she needed to speak to him in private, without any eavesdroppers nearby.

As she entered The Constable Inn, she tossed a few coins at the beggars at the front, which they both happily caught with their hands.

''Thank you, Mistress!''

They gave her a toothy smile, but she walked past them and without even confronting the desk, she went straight up the stairs to Astarion's room. With a trembling hand she knocked on his door, rather loudly however. He was awake, sitting cross-legged on his bed, with Pontius in his lap, intently reading a book on law with his spectacles on. He seemed comfortable, and not as tired though his shoulder length hair was a mess and his curls were frizzy. However he was not expecting anyone's company so early on in his day.

''Who is it?''

He asked rather loudly enough.

''It's me!''

Seraphina chirped back at him. And recognizing her voice immediately, he smiled, patting Pontius gently so he would leave his lap. He got up immediately, rushing to the door to unlock it. He took a step back, giving a rather gentlemanly bow, letting her in before he locked the door again. Astarion was more than happy to see her, but he was a little confused.

''Lady Seraphina? Why, my everything alright?''

He asked, deeply concerned as he gestured for her to sit on a chair. He was already brewing a cup of dandelion tea in the small fireplace he had. Carefully he walked over to the kettle which was hanging from an iron bar over the fire.

''I-I'm fine...''

Seraphina sat down in the chair, adjusting her skirt and glanced at him as he lifted his brow. He took off his spectacles, putting them on top of his drawer. He was swift in his actions, brushing his hand through his curly, white hair.

''Are you sure? You don't seem were doing quite well a few days ago, since we last met. After...well you know...''

Astarion gave a rather sad smile at her, referencing her father's funeral. She merely replied with a small nod, taking a deep breath.

''Here...I'm making some tea, dandelion tea. Now it's not the most delicious thing in the world, keeps you warm. It's chilly out...''

His eyes glanced out to the window which was partly open letting in a small gust of air in.

'' is...I'd like to have some tea.''

She gave him a reassuring smile.


Astarion simply uttered. He waited a little while longer for the tea and when it was finally brewed, he poured it into a simple clay mug.

''Now my sweet, do you put sugar in your tea?''

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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