Well Shit

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"Hey Angela, can I borrow a hundred bucks?" My so called friend asked. "Why?" "I need it for shopping." She responded like it was the most obvious thinf in the world. "How about no?" I stated and glared at her. She was speechless. I laughed and walked faster to Gym. "You will pay for that!" She yelled along with her sidekicks. Pfft, as if. I walked into the lockerooms, getting ready for gym. I was farely skinny, not to skinny, but skinny enough.

I looked in the mirror, I had strange looks. I had jet black hair with green eyes. Very green eyes. It was rare for amyone to have green eyes, I'd honestly say I'm pretty, but my looks don't match my personality. I feel tired all the time, and I don't care about my shitty life. My parents ignore me and just love my little sister. They pretend 'm not even theirs.

It hurt in the past but all I wanna do now is die. And I'm not being over dramatic. Before I could change, I heard a gunshot ring throughout the school. Well shit. Now theres a school shooting. I hope they shoot my sister. I ran into a stall and sat on the toilet, puttinf my hands over my mouth. Even though I wanna die, doesn't mean I wanna die by a stupid gun. "Everyone on the floor now!!!" A voice rang out. Gotta admit, it was hot.

Men then barged into the women's locker room, like geeze, their that desperate? "If anyone's in here, it's a better choice to come out then die!" Another voice yelled. You know, I rather die than become a hostage. I was walking out of my stall until I heard a gun shoot. I saw the bullet barely miss me. I froze and looked at a guy with a gun in his hand. "Not even a flinch huh?" there were three masked men. They all seemed like my age, maybe a little older.

"You're coming with us." A strict voice said to me. I sat on the ground. "I rather die than be a hostage." I said blankly to them, with challenging eyes. "Oh, she's a feisty one, eh? But we can't kill her, she's to pretty." The, who I'm assuming is the leader, commented to his men. I am actually shocked, but I didn't show it. I didn't move a muscle. I was staring at them. "Jayden, you carry her." The leader looked at the other guy crossing his arms.

"What?! Why me?" "Because you're strong and I don't wanna touch her." "No! Make Issac do it!" "I don't wanna do it." While they were arguing, I decided to get up and slowly walk out of the locker rooms and see what's going on in gym. Considering everyone in the school is in there. Maybe I'll die faster if I walk in. When I opened the doors, It made a loud creek. Everyone was staring at me. "Get on the ground!" A gun the was placed against my head.

I didn't budge, I crossed my arms, waiting for him to shoot. "I said get on the ground!" He yelled in my ear. I turned my head towards him. "No." I then smiled innocently. He then pushed me on the ground. I then punched him in the nuts, he fell to the ground, I grabbed his gun and stood up. Now everyones eyes were on me. The bad guys all had their guns towards me, ready to shoot. "SHIT!" I heard the guys from earlier yell out.

I slowly walked away from the door, just as I was away from the door, The leader, Jauden, and Isacc came in. I pointed the gun at the leader. Everyone grew stiff. I looked around th gym and saw my so called "Friends" and my younger sister. I looked at the guy who I stole the gun from. "How many bullets are in this?" "I'm not telling!" I squinted my eyes and put my finger on the trigger. "Okay then. I'll shoot this man." "Ok, ok, fine! There are five bullets!" Perfect.

I looked at my sister and my so called friends. I had great aim, they were also only about fifteen feet away. I'm not going to kill them, I'll just shoot them where it will most definitely hurt. On the legs or arms. But Ill shoot my little sister on the chest, not near the lungs or heart though. "Well, Well, what do we have here?" The hot voice from earlier said. I looked to my right to see a handsome man, a little older than me. "We're sorry boss, she got away and somehow ended up with the gun.

"It's alright, it adds some drama to this experience. It's quite enjoyable." He smirked and walked towards me. He had a gun of his own. I just glared at him with my forest green eyes. He pointed the gun at me, still smiling hard. I moved my gun to my sister, I was about to shoot but then I felt a shooting pain in my wrist. This God damn man shot me in my wrist. I had dropped the gun and then got tackled to the ground by some other guy.

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