The Mall Chase

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I stayed up the whole night, waiting for anything to happen. But it was dead silent. I could feel myself start to cry. I never wanted any of this! I fucking hate my life. By now, it was morning. I don't know what time though. Probably around 6:30 in the morning. I miss Leon. I hate to say it, but I really do. But I miss mittens more. I slowly got up, I was hungry. So might as well steal his food! I quickly but carefully made my way to the kitchen.

I went threw the cabinets and saw brownies, chips, gronola bars, crackers, donuts, and more. Does he not have one healthy thing? I took a couple brownies and ate them. They were okay. I then heard a noise behind me. I quickly turned around. But I was faced with a dagger to my neck. "Don't move sweetheart." I moved my eyes to see who it was. It definitely was not Leon. He had red hair and peircing yellow eyes. "Who are you?" I gritted. Feeling the knife dig into my neck. "That's not important. But you're gonna be a good girl and follow me. Yeah?"

I gave him a side glare. "I.would.rather.die." I said very clearly. "Hm? Is that right? Then I might as well give you your death wish!" He then kicked me in the gut. I fell down, coughing harshly. "Goodbye sweetheart!"

That's how I died for the second time. By a stranger. He was handsome too... But who was he? I am curious. I sat up in my bed. Again.. Ugh! "Wake up bitch!!!" My sister yelled at me. I turned my head to my door. Not wanting to come or go out. I am just going to enjoy this life the best I can. I'll start it out by eating ice cream. Specifically Lucy's icecream. "I'm not going!" I yelled back. I then heard the door slam shut. Welp, no one except me is in the house right now.

Without changing from my pajamas, I got up to the kitchen and took some icecream. I wonder if still have red hair? I looked in a mirror. I had my regular hair color. My hair stayed the same length though. I sighed. I sat down in my parents bed, eating my sister's icecream. It was chocolate, my favorite flavor. I put on their TV they had in their room. I put on a randome movie. But then there was a loud crash in the living room. I sighed. I turned off the movie and waited for whoever to either kill me, take me, or steal from me.

My door then banged open. Ah it that red haired dude that killed me. I continued eating while he pointed a gun at me. "Give me all your money!" Oh? so he's a theif. "Sure, take what every you want. I don't care." I waved him off. He looked very suspicious of me. "Look buddy, I don't know where it all is, but I know there is somw in that dresser over there." I said while point to a dresser. I slowly approached it and sure enough, there was money.

He seemed to trust me enough and stole all the money in the house. If I stay here, I'll either get beaten to death by my parents, get taken by Leon once he realizes I'm not at school, or I end up killing myself because of this situation. I am to tired for this shit. Maybe I should go to the mall? Even though I dont have money, I can just look at everything. Plus, I have never been to the mall before. I changed into one of my sister's dresses. Even though I hate dresses. I don't have anything and that's all she has.

I don't know how to drive... I'll just take their other car. Since they have two. I took the keys and went outside towards the car. I got into the driver's seat and started heading out. I think I know where the mall is. It only took me 15 minutes to get there. Will Leon look at the mall? Probably. But oh well. I don't care if he finds me even though I do kinda care. I parked farely close and got out. The mall was huge! I exitingly walked in. I didn't show it on my face though. I walked in, and there was so much people inside. This will be fun.

Leon's POV

Ever since Angela went missing, I had my crew and every police department in the area, look for her. What if she got killed? Will she be back at her home then? I was thinking of all the possibilities. "Boss! I found something!" I rushed over to the security cameras. There she was! In the mall? Why would she be in there? She looked at every little detail. It was adorable. I felt myself smirk. Just you wait darling, I'll get you back.

Angela's POV

Knowing Leon, he probably knows where I am right now. Just then, I saw police coming towards me. I ran away at full speed; knowing that the police here are under Leons control. I zigzzaged through all the people until I lost them. Just then, a siren rang and all the doors were locked shut. Really Leon? You want me this much? I sighed for the hundredth time that morning. I then bumped into someone. I looked up and there was a police officer.

"You! Stop right there!" He yelled even though I was right in front tof him. I quickly got up and started sprinting. I looked behind me and saw three of them chasing me. When did the other two get there? I felt like I had all the energy in the world to do this hide and seek game. I ran up a non-working escalater. I looked down the balcony. I could maybe make that jump. I then saw a wire hanging in midair.

It's risky, but so worth it. I hopped on the railing and waisted no time in jumping towards the wire. I held on and swung. I swung to the other side of the mall and landed on some sign. The only way they could get up here was if they had a really really tall ladder. I looked down. I wished I hadn't. It looked so far down. Why am I getting scared of hights right now? I looked to the railing I had jumped off of. I then saw the police officers and... Leon.

He looked determind to come and get me. He shouted orders but I was to far away to hear them. A couple minutes later they came back with a ladder and trampoline. Nope, noway. I am not jumping. I saw Leon climb up the ladder towards me. When he came up to the sign I was in. I realized. The sign was about to fall, and the two of us can't climb down the ladder at the same time.

"Darling I am going to need you to jump on the trampoline down there." I immediately shook my head no. "Please? For me? I care for you and I want you to come home safe and sound." He said that so sincerely. With no bad intentions. I slowly crawled to the edge. Looking where the trampoline was. "Good girl. Now, you don't have to worry about it breaking. Just jump." He said, watching my every move. As I was about to jump, the sign started shaking. I slipped off the edge of the sign.

I was going to miss the trampoline.

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