The Poisoned Ball

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When we got back, there was a beautiful royal blue gown on the bed. I looked at it, not expecting this kind of dress to be for me. "Well, don't just stare at it! Try it on love!" He said shoving the dress into my arms and pushing me into the bathroom. Huh? He's not making me dress up in front of him? But, like, is he stupid? I can't put the dress on with a shot wrist and leg. Whatever, Ill try anyway, knowing him, he'll just suggest to help me himself.

And I don't want that. I struggled-alot. After about twenty minutes, I finally managed to put on the dress. Of course with a few knocks with Leon worrying about me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked kinda good. But not that good that someone would ask me out. As soon as I came out, I felt a hug from behind me. "You look gorgeous darling, absolutely fucking stunning. I even might have to put you on a leash to make sure everyone knows that you're mine." He said in my ear.

I shivered. "Why did it take you so long?" He asked me. I stayed quiet. I really didn't feel like talking to him. He hugged me even tighter. At this point, you might as well suficate me to death Mister. "Answer me darling, you're testing my patience." He said in a low tone. I felt myself even blush a little. "Answer me" "It was a hard because of my wrist and leg." I said looking away. "Oh, why didnt I think of that? I could help you next time." He said in my ear.

I sighed. I knew he was gonna say that. "I'll have someone come in, style your hair, and do your makeup. I'll see you later love." He said as he walked away. Not even a second later, a maid came in. She looked really scared. Is Lwon really that crazy? She didn't even say anything to me. She dragged my to a chair and sat me down. Thankfully she grabbed me with my non hurt wrist. She quickly did my hair and makeup. She put my hair in a side braid, and put blue eyeshadow, mascara, blush, and other makeup products on my skin.

Did not feel good. I hate makeup, braids, and dresses. I felt like a pick me. As soon as she was done, she ran off and put of the room. Just then, two guards came in and picked me up bridal style. I was panicking. They walked really fast. They then blindfolded me. I felt cool wind. Why were we outside?! I then heard one of them open a door. I felt someone else take me and put me on their lap... "Why hello darling." I jumped. I wasn't. but kind of was expecting Leon.

I was gonna take my blind fold off, but then Leon pinned me down. "I'm sorry Love, but you can't take that off, can't have you trying to memorize the way, you know?" He said wrapping me in his arms. Did he like, not have any affection when he was a child or something? Because he sure is clingy. I mean, I didnt have any affection either, but this is to much affection for me. I sat there, on his lap, blindfolded, and being cuddle to death.

After what felt like a century, we finally arrived. I could finally take the blindfold off. After I took it off, I saw a huge mansion. It was huge! It even had a pool in the front with a lot of people in it. I felt myself getting lifted out of the car. Leon then put me back down on the ground. Because I wasn't paying attention to him, I suddenly felt something cold on my neck. I snapped my neck to Leon. "Calm down sweetheart, it's only a collar."

I looked at him like he was crazy. I'm not some damn pet. "What for?" I said really upset. He then frowned. "It's to keep you safe. I can't have anything happen to you." He said grabbing my hand and walking in the party. Atleast he was holding my hand gently. I was actually amazed at how many people were there. They were all so beautiful. I felt ugly compared to them. "Now, I'm only letting you do this because I trust you and I have some matters to attend to. You can go where ever you want, you just can't go outside. Okay?"

I looked at him and nodded my head very innocently. He smiled and said I could go. I walked off before he could change his mind. I was just exploring every room I could find. Opened some doors and caught some people doing.... Stuff. Not a sight to see. I found a belcony and decided to just stand there and enjoy the view. Whoever hosted this party, has a very nice garden. "Would you like a drink madam?" I jumped and put a hand to my chest and turned around.

I saw a butler with a mustache holding out a drink to me. I have never tasted wine before. "Uhm, do you have anything besides wine?" I asked, starting to feel my throat go sore. "We have punch?" He suggested. "Sure, I'll have that." He then handed it to me and walked away. Once I drank out of it, I had to spit it out. It was wine?! He lied to me!! Or he accidentally gave me the wrong one. I then felt a burning and aching pain in my stumach.

I dropped the glass I was holding. He poisoned me! I had to get to Leon, fast! I have no idea what anyone would do If they found a past out women alone. I ran off and down thr stairs I came from. I the heard running behind me. I sae the butler chasing me. Shoot! Leon, I really need you right now! I even lost my heels like damn Cinderella. I was now running barefoot. I pushed people aside. I turned my head everywhere, looking for Leon.

This is why I hate parties! I turned and ran into a deadend. He seemed tired. The aching pain became worse. I coughed into my hands. I felt horrified when I saw blood on my hands. "Boss, she's almost dead." I looed up at the butler. "Since you'll die anyway. The host of this house found out that Mister Leon had a fiance already. So he instructed for me to kill her. That fiance is you. Miss Angela. I felt my eyes go wide.

Leon was gonna marry me...? He loves me that much?.. I fell on my knees. I started breaking down crying. What am I gonna do now? I am basically dead.. I didn't even get revenge on Lucy... Or my family. I didn't even get to fall in love! The butler was just staring at me. Not even an ounce of guilt in his eyes. He then pulled a knife out of his pocket, and started walking towards me. Of course I noticed.

Just as he was about to stab me, I caught his arm, and grabbed the knife away from him. He looked shocked. I then tackled him. Before he could push me off, I stabbed him in the heart, directly. He let out a blood curdling scream. I stood up, with blood all over me, not only his blood, but me own to. I honestly felt joy killing that man who tried killing me. I heard running footsteps. I heard a bunch of gasps from behind me.

I turned around and saw not only the guests. But Leon to. He looked even more shocked than everyone there. I turned around amd smiled for the first time. I then caughed out blood on my hand and floor. The last thing I saw was Leon running at me before I stabbed the knife into my heart. Sorry Leon, but I don't wanna marry someone I don't know, or love. Bye world, Bye Leon, Bye to my bitch ass stupid family, and Bye to the beautiful dress that's stained in blood. I only loved one of you. And that's the dress.

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