I hate this dude

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I woke up again, on his chest. Before he could react, I shoved myself off of him and fell onto the floor. "Woah, darling, relax, you're still injured." He said to me. I ignored him and looked over my body. I had bandages all over me. I looked over at the clock to see it was around lunch time. I was pretty hungry. I looked back at the bed to find him missing. I turned around to see he was right in front of me.

I jumped back. He then started to laugh. I hate this dude so much. I deadpanned at him. He was laughing while on his knees, on the floor. I didn't think it was that funny... "I-Im sorry, it's just, I love your cute reactions!" He laughed as he got up off the ground. "You must be really hungry, I'll get you something." He was about to walk off, but then I grabbed his sleeve. "Aren't you mad?"

"Hm? What would I be mad about darling?" "Me running off. I know you knew I ran off. I know you left the door open on purpose. I know that was just a test to see if I would run off. I also know your in the Mafia, and that you're the boss." I stared at him, waiting for his answer. "A-ah, is that so? I thought she was oblivious.." He mumbled the last bit, which I didn't hear. "I would never be mad at you darling, I can get annoyed, but I will never be mad at you. Now, come on, you're going to eat."

He then started to walk out. I started to follow him. I did want food. He lead me through this gigantic mansion. When we got of the kitchen, there were a lot of people sitting on couchs in the living room. Most of them were men. Some of them were girls that were kidnapped. Including my "friends" and my sister. They honestly looked terrified. I enjoyed it. My sister looked at me. Once she realized it was me, she started to glare daggers at me.

"Darling, you can sit with the others while I make you lunch." He smiled at me. I looked around th couchs. I saw a few familiar faces, besides the girls I know. I saw Isacc, Jayden, the leader, and the cat. I could feel my mood lighten when the cat noticed me, and hopped off Jaydens lap and went towards me. "No~ Mittens!" He complained. He watxhed the cat hop off, and go towards me. That's when he noticed I was in the room.

"You!!" He stood up and pointed to me. I bent down and picked up the cat. Now everyone was looking at me. "Who is she?" Someone asked. "She's the one the boss picked out." I then walked towards them. I sat down in a separate chair. "What's your name?" Isacc asked. I just stared at him. Silence. "Her names Angela." My sister said. I glared daggers at her. I could see her smirk at me. "Oh? And how do you know that?"

"We're sisters." She said, a little disgusted at that fact. I was giving her a death stare. If anyone saw my face, they could tell I was pissed. "Who's older?" I was about to raise my hand but then my sister raised her hand first. She lied. I am so sick of her. "And we're her friends!" The other girls claimed. What the fuck is wrong with them. I felt enraged on what their doing.

They think that just because I was the one that Leon picked, aka, the boss, that if they act like we're close, they won't touch them. "Oh really? So Angela knows you all?" The leader said looking at me for confirmation. I shook my head no. "She's lying! She knows who we are!" The others girls commented. "It doesn't look like she's lying to me. Maybe you guys are the ones who are lying?" Isacc took my side.

I got up and decided to see if my lunch is ready. But then I heard a gunshot. I felt an agonizing pain in my leg. I then collapsed. "You Fucker!!!!!" I heard Jayden yell out. Let me guess, my sister got angry, went for someone's gun, didn't know how to use it, and shot somewhere random, which ended up hitting me. I slowly got up and walked towards them. I fell onto the chair. I heard running steps from the kitchen. Must be Leo. I wanna kill her now. Jayden went up to me.

"Where did she shot you?" I pointed to my leg. I saw his gun in is belt. I went for it, I successfully grabbed it, I then immediately shot my sister. Didn't know where, but I know I hit her when she screamed in pain. "Heh, serves her right." The leader laughed. "Shut up Zander and Isacc get me a med kit!" Jayden screamed at him. Isacc than ran off to get a medkit. Seemes like he only cared for me. Probably because of Leo. "Why did I hear a gunshot?!" Leo screamed out. "Uh, well." "Spit it out Jayden." "Lucy shot Angela." "WHAT?!!"

He then ran over to see a hole in my thigh. "But don't worry on getting revenge, because Angela already did." Zander said. "What?" "She shot Lucy back, in the arm." Ah, so that's where I hit her. I could feel myself start to smile a little. But thankfully they were to busy talking to notice. Isacc then arrived with a med kit. "All of you get out, besides the bitch. (Lucy) They then all ran out. "Darling, since it's in your thigh, I'm gonna have to take your pants off to get better access."

He didn't even say like it was an option. He then took my pants off. He grabbed something to disinfect it. He then carefully bandaged it. It hurt like hell. I cried even. "Shhhhh~ It's okay darling, I'm here for you." I then cried even more. No one has ever taken care of me like this. I actually felt loved for once. And not used or ignored. I fully broke down infront of him. "Shhhh~ It's alright, let it all out." He then hugged me. It's really wrong for me to hug a Mafia boss like this, but I can't help it. He then let go of me. He grabbed something else from the medkit. (Guys, he put the pants back on, don't worry.)

A damn needle. I went backwards into the chair. I hate needles. "It's not for you darling, relax." I relaxed a little bit. He then stood up and went to my sister. "I knew I should've killed you the first time you bitch." He was about to eject the needle into her but then she screamed something out that absolutly pissed me off. "YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!!! I'M HER SISTER! SHE LOVES ME TO MUCH FOR ME TO DIE!!!!" I felt like I could kill her with my bare hands. "If she's your sister, then why shoot her?" He asked her strangely calm.

"A-ah uhm." "Exactly." He then put the needle in her. "AHHH IT BURNS!!! WHAT DID YOU PUT IN ME?!!" "Oh nothing~." He smiled crazily. He then harshly wrapped up her arm and went towards me. He picked me up and went towards the kitchen. "I hope you're still hungry darling." He smiled at me. I nodded at him, wiping away my tears. He gave me eggs, bacon, and toast. I ate it all and then he once again picked me up bridal style, and he was walking back to the bedroom.

Great, since I can't move, I will have to sleep with him for a couple weeks. I hate Lucy, and I hate life. He put me in the bed, took off his shirt and went into the bed as well. He wrapped his hands around me and hugged me tightly. He also put his head in my neck. "It's only the afternoon though, why are we in bed?" I asked him quietly. "You need rest and I don't wanna leave you alone. I love you to much for that." I felt my heart rate speed up.

"Aw~ someone's flustered!" He smirked in my neck. I didnt say anything because I know he's just gonna tease me more. HE then started to kiss my neck. "What are you doing?" "Kissing what is mine." He said in my neck. I don't belong to anybody Mister. "You belong to me, and only me Angel. Weither you like it or not. You will never escape from me." Okay, now he's getting creepy. "I love you darling. Cant say the same. Your kind and all, but your creepy. I don't like creepy men. But I do like that your handsome. So that's a plus for me. "Night darling."

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