Mental Breakdown

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And that's how I died. Again. Why can't I just go to heaven or hell? Why do I have to experience trauma? Why do I keep coming back to life? Why does Leon over me so much? What does he even love about me the first place? I mean, I don't think I'm that pretty. Infact, some might say I'm not pretty at all. Sure, I'm pretty skinny, but that till doesn't make sense.

I sighed, not actually knowing what to do. I've killed people, and I was the one people killed. I have experienced things that I don't ever Wana experience again. One of them being killed. At this point, I have no idea how many times I've died. All I know is that it's no use. No use in trying to escape Leon. No use in trying live my life. No use in killing myself. No use in killing anybody, because they all will respawn. They all won't leave me alone.

I soon started to cry my lungs out. I couldn't handle it anymore. My sister... My mother... Leon... Death... Killing... Everything. I just can't... It's like God has cursed me. What did I do to deserve this? I did nothing! All I have ever been was a good human being! I never did anything wrong until my curse showed up...

My door then slammed open. Of course... Leon. He ran up to me and immediately hugged the living daylights out of me.

"Darling... I missed you so much! Now I'll never let you out of my sight again!" He proclaimed.

I then felt him inject something in my neck. I passed out a few seconds after. The last thing I saw was his loving smile and eyes looking at me adoringly. I honestly didn't even hate him for it. Am I starting to get Stockholm syndrom? I don't think so since I don't really feel anything right now. I don't feel loved, hurt, betrayed, or helpless. Even though I should feel those things.

Time Skip

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I am in a different bedroom. Probably Leon's bedroom. It looks like something he would like; not like I would know in the first place though. I tried moving to feel metal against my right wrist. Of course he cuffed me to his bed. He doesn't want me, 'ecaping'. I sat up in the bed, considering it was the only place I could actually be in. My wrist was cuffed to the bedpost, on the left side.

I looked at my clothes to see if he changed them, and yes, he did. I was now in his shirt and shorts. Thank God I'm out of that dress now. I was actually gonna kill myself from how tight it felt. Soon, the door opened and came in Leon.

"Why hello love, how are you doing?" He sat on the bed next to me.

"You're acting like you didn't just see me die and didn't drug me." I said, not even looking at him, but just staring in front of me.

"Oh darling.. I see people die everyday, and I only drugged you to make sure you cam with me without a fight. I did it to protect you love."

I wanted to hate him, I really did. But I just... couldn't. He was the only one who actually cared for me. The only one who actually wanted to protect me. He was the only one who actually loved me... But he did kidnap me, drugged me, put me in danger, almost killed me, killed me, blackmailed me, manipulated me, and many more things that I can not think of right now.

We sat there, neither of us talking. Although I wasn't looking at him, I knew he was looking at me. Well, more like staring at me.

"Did you have to cuff me? Especially to the bed?" I asked, now looking at him with a straight face. I saw him visually flinch from my face.

"What? You think I am fine after all I have been through?" I spitefully said to him.

"You do not get to talk to me like that!" He then pinned me under him. We stared at each other in the eyes. He slowly lowered himself to my neck. His face was in my neck, while he pinned both of my arms with one of his. He put his other arms around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked, not expecting his sudden actions.

"Making you mine for the world to see.." He then started kissing my neck all over. It felt so nice, but I wasn't gonna tell him that, or let him know that.

"Stop Leon.." I whispered. Not liking the fact that he's giving me hickeys.

"Sorry love, but I need to let the world know you're taken. I can't have you kidnapped under my watch again." He said the last part very sternly.

"I'm not planning to leave... If I did, then I probably was kidnapped like last the last time." I flinched when he growled in my ear.

"Do not remind me of last time darling." He then lifted his head from my neck and suddenly kissed me on the lips. I tried moving back, but couldn't since my head was already pushed into the bed. I wanted him stop kissing me so bad. Even though he is a good kisser. I then tried to bit his lip, which worked, but the why I had hoped.

"Don't try stopping me love, because nothing will work." He then started kissing me even deeper. I wined, not liking this feeling of being absolutely helpess. He opened his mouth, asking for permission to use his tounge. Of course I denied it. He growled very loudly when I did this. He then squeezed my thigh, making me open my mouth for him. He moved his tounge all around my mouth, tasting and exploring everything.

How am I suppose to get out of this situation?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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