Sleeping with men

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"But it's still day time." "Shush and rest darling." "But-" He then suddenly hugged me really tightly against his chest. "Just sleep darling, don't worry about it being daytime. You need rest." "I'm not sleepy though." I knew I was making him annoyed. "Fine, you don't have to sleep, but you have to stay in bed with me." I then grew annoyed at that fact.

I hate sleeping with men. Especially this one. He's so clingy and says "darling" a lot. I don't like it. But I love that he's rude to my sister. She deserves it. But then I remembered that he said he should've killed her the first time. "Hey Leo?" "Yes darl- what did you call me?" "Leo?" He squeezed me harder and cuddled his head in my neck. "I love that name~" He whispered in my ear. "Anyway, why didn't you kill my sister back then?"

"Ah, you want me to kill her?" He said avoiding the question. "I wanna kill her." I said blankly. "No" "Why?" "I don't wanna see your hands get dirty, they're to pretty to be stained in red." "But I wanna kill her, she deserves it." "Oh? How so?" He said, cuddling the shit outa me. "She burned me with boiling hot water, she almost killed me, she blames all her mistakes on me, and now no one but you loves me."

"Oh, is that so?" He said, very pissed off at Lucy. "How do you know I love you?" "You cuddle me, make food for me, you're gentle towards me, you call me "darling", called me pretty, and before you said you loved me." I stated like it was obvious. "Ah, I guess that's true." He put his head deeper into my neck. I then felt him suddenly kiss my neck. "Please don't do that..." "Do you not enjoy it?" I shook my head no.

For gods sake man, we just met. You also kidnapped me. He then turned me around so that I was facing him in the bed. We stared into each other's eyes. His were a beautiful blue, while mine were a light brown color. "I love you darling." He smiled at me. "Hm." I said, suddenly starting to get tired. At this point, I could barely keep my eyes open any longer. I felt Leo hug me tightly again, I even hugged him back. I then passed out.


*Sigh* I'm glad that drug I put in her breakfast kicked in. She was asking to many questions. I don't know If love that about her or not. But that bitch Lucy has to die. She deserves to die for almost killing my beloved. She caused Angel a lot of pain, so I will just return the favor. But for now, I am just gonna cuddle my darling and enjoy this moment. I kissed her neck a bunch of times without her fighting, or knowing. I wish I could just fuck her right now. She is so alluring.

I then got a notification on my watch. I looked at it. Great, now I have to attend a dance?! It says I should bring someone with... Should I bring my beloved? What if she runs away? Whatever, I'll bring her. It's not like she can runaway. She is hurt in her wrist and leg. I'll also put a collar with a tracker on her neck to make sure she can never escape me. She will be stuck with me, forever. I looked to see what time it is. Fuck, it's in 2 hours. The drug I put in her breakfast lasts 30 minutes.

I got out of bed, fixed my suit, and walked out of the bedroom, not locking it because I know she can't run away. I need to figure out everything about this dance, considering I don't know who the host is. If it's about marrying a randome girl, I'm not accepting. I already have my future bride in my reach. "Jayden." I called. "Yes boss?" He then immediately appeared before me. "Who is the host of this dance?" "Mr. Gardner, sir." "What's his purpose for inviting me?" "He is claiming to just want to get to know you sir, no other reason."

I scoffed. Its probably just another thing for marriage. I'm not stupid Mr. Gardner. If I take Angel with me, I'm assuming no one will bother me, or her. But of course, there are greedy men and women out there. "Go get me Lucy." "Affirmative sir." He then walked away. I went to my office, waiting for Jayden and the bitch to arrive. I am so gonna enjoy this.


Ugh... I feel awful. He must have put a sleeping drug in my breakfast or something. I sat up, I then immediately noticed he wasn't cuddling me like he always did. I then heard a blood curdling scream coming from below me. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the door. Thankfully it wasn't locked. I rushed out the door, and walked fast to the scream. I then saw a door that said "Do not enter" in all caps. Of course I opened the door. That's probably where the scream came from.

I ran down the staircase and saw somethinf I could actually believe. Leon was beating up Lucy with all sorts of torture weapons. A whip, knife, and... a gun. Was he gonna shoot her..? But I wanted to kill her. But honestly, I felt like I could vomit with all the blood on the floors, walls, and ceiling.Even the smell was bad. I put a hand on my mouth and bent down to refrain myself from puking.

"Ah, darling you're not suppose to be down here..." He said slowly walking towards me with a whip in his hand. The whip reminded me of my parents. They wouldn't hit me with a whip but they would slap me in the face. My legs gave out from underneath me. I looked up and saw my sister almost lifeless. I felt my heartbeat increase a lot. My mind went to images that I thought were behind me. I was having a heart attack at the moment.

"Darling?!" Leo said before rushing to my side. He put me on his lap, hugged me, and whispered reassuring things in my ear. He made us face the wall that didn't have blood on it. I slowly calmed down. "Now, what are you doing down here? How did you get past the guards?" "What guards?" I immediately asked. "Were there no guards?" "No?" He then mumbled something that I didn't hear. "I heard a scream so I followed the scream. That's why I'm down here." "Ah, well, did you not read the sign in all caps?" "I did, but I knew you were down here so I went down anyway."

"Aw~ so you were looking for me?" I didn't respond. "Well, anyway, we were invited to a dance." I looked up at him questioningly. Me? Invited to a dance? No way. "From who?" "A friend of mine." "So he only invited you, but you could go with someone, so that someone is me?" I guessed. "Wha- How did you know that?" Because I'm assuming you didn't tell anyone about me, because you didn't want anyone to steal me or whatever." "How the fuck did you know that all?"

"I'm a good guesser." I said, leaning my head against him. I then closed my eyes for a bit. "The dance is in an hour and 20 minutes. "Can I just go like this?" "I'm sorry darling, but you have to dress up." I wined in my head. I hate dresses. I never look good in any of the ones I actually like. Leo then picked me up, he carried me up the stairs, and into the bedroom. "What about Lucy?" "Don't worry about her darling, you just get ready and put on the dress I picked out for you."

He picked out a dress for me?

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