Killing Spree

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I felt completely fine. No shot wrist, no shot leg, no poison in my body. ALthough I felt one thing. Pure furry. I didn't get my revenge. I felt like I could open my eyes, so I did. I was in my fucking room. In my bed. In my room. I shot up and went to the calendar. Today's the day I get kidnapped... You know, fuck it. I'll just kill my family.

But first, I have to change my identity. As in, dye my hair, put on contacts, and change my attitude. I'll pretend I'm mute or whatever. I went to my bathroom. The only dye I had was Ruby red... I fucking hate red. I either had green, grey, or blue contacts. They all looked kind of real. I put on the green ones. They would look good with red hair, but that seems to simple.

I then put on the blue ones. They did not look like they would go with red hair. I immediately took them off. I then put on the grey ones. I guess it would look cool with red hair. I'll do these. Although, I'm not sure If I can keep these in while dyeing my hair. So I'll just keep them out for now. Once I was done dyeing my hair, I dried it with a blow dryer. Good thing it's not even four in the morning. I woke up at like, two in the morning, and I wasn't even tired.

My hair looked so soft and beautiful. I then put on my contacts. I looked stunning. I gotta say, I now understand why Leon fel! in love with me. Even though I look completely different now. I changed into a crop top, and baggy pants. I kept my hair down, considering it was pretty while wavy and down. I walked quietly in the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and headed to my parents room. I opened their door.

I saw them sleeping what was purpose to be my mattress. Yeah, they gave me an old, dusty mattress, with literally no bedframe. This is what they get. Before they could even open their eyes, I slit their throats, and stabbed their hearts. It felt so joyful. I had blood all over my face and hands. Now, what should I do about Lucy? Should I give her a quick painless death? Or a long, painful death?

I prefer the second option. I opened her door, and immediately stabbed her thigh. Her eyes shot opened and she screamed, absolutely terrfied. "W-w-who are y-you!??" She screamed. "You don't rexognize your own sister? How sad..." I said taking pity. "A-Angela?!" She choked out. "That's me!" I said smiling at her face. "Are you gonna k-kill m-m-me?!! You b-better not!!!" I frowned at her attitiude. Still the same. I quickly put the knife next to her neck.

"Pick a number between thirty and one hundred." "s-sixty" "Ah, good, thats how many times I have to stab you!" I said excitingly. "W-wait what?!!" I then stabbed her in the arm, very slowly. She screamed, in my ear. I then stabbed her in the other arm. "W-what about mom and dad?! They will call the police and barger in here and stop you!" She smirked. I just laughed in her face.

"Not if they're dead." She looked even more shocked. "Y-you killed th-them?" She asked me. I was tarting to get annoyed if her questions. So I stabbed her ten more times. She kept on screaming. Did I mention that both of our neighbors were on vacation? She was so annoying with her complainging and yelling, so I ended her life with a stabe to the head. I of course stabbed her forty-seven more times. I got up and decided to wash my face and hands clean. After all, I wouldnt want my hands dirty. I'm not gonna let the police, or Leon get me this time. Because, I still am gonna have to go to school and kill my friends.

Wait, actually. I know where they live. After all, we're "friends", I should know where they live. I walked out of the house, in the middle of the night, with a knife in my hand. Of course therw wasn't anyone awake at this time. So I could just walk freely without anyone worrying. We all lived farely close, so I wasn't tired at all when I arrived at the first house. I tried opening the front door and, are they stupid? It was unlocked.

I might as well kill the parents, considering they raised such filthy children. If the have a younger sibling though, then I won't kill the parents, cause that's just to cruel. I slowly walked throught the house,opening each door. Of course she has a younger sister. I went into her room, and sliced her throat open. I then left out through the door without anyone noticing. I jogged to the rest of the houses. Only some of them had siblings. I killed about twelve people tonight.

It felt good. I made sure to leave no evidence that it was me. I cut myself to. I left some of my blood scattered on the walls, floors, and ceiling to. I also trashed the house, making it seem like we all were fighting someone. I burned the knife. I left zero traces that it was me. Once it was about five in the morning, I headed to school. I'll just say I was a transfer student or something. My new name will be... Diana. Yeah. that seems good enough. I also grabbed a paper and pen.

To actually make it seem like I'm mute. I was the only one at school. Wait, why am I here? I'll be taken again. How stupid can I be? But, I dont know that. What if he doesn't take interest in me? He only noticed me because I was causing a scene. I can just hide somewhere on the roof. Because I can't go back to my home, nor can I stay anywhere by the gym. Thankfully the doors were unlocked. I went in, I sneeked up the stairs, past the office, and onto the roof.

It was honestly quite a nice view. With a sunset. But then I saw black cars everywhere. Were they here the whole time? waiting for everyone to gather in one place? Now thats just creepy. I then saw Leon in one of th cars. He looked... Different. Like, more serious. Not his playful act. More actually like a Mafia boss. He stepped out, and pointed inside the school. He got all of his men inside the school. I slowly back away from the edge. I crawled behind the door, and went inside a box that was there.

I don't want him taking interest in me because I was the only one at school. I decided to just rest my eyes. Not sleep because I know I snore, so I'll make noise. About and hour later, my back and butt are aching. I hear everyone outside chatting, yelling, and talking or whatever. Goodluck to anyone who is taken. Especially if Leon picks you. The attack happened in the morning. Considering I had gym first, and that's when it happened. Once everyone entered the building, and was getting ready for their first class.

I heard men yelling and a lot of gun shots. Then the door leading to where I am bursted open. "She's not here." I heard a males voice. "Who are we looking for again?" Another guy asked. "A girl named "Angela" for boss." I felt my heart speed up a million beats per second. Don't tell me he remembers me. That's the only possible explanation. He is looking specifically for me. But don't worry, you look completely different. You are mute, so he won't recognize your voice. There is no need to worry.

"Hey, I think I heard something behind the door." The two guys then walked towards where I am. "Dude, it's just a box." "What if someone's in it?" What if I pretend to be asleep? Will they think I'm harmless? I decided to close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. As soon as he opened the box, I heard guns getting pointed at me. "She's asleep.." "You carry her." Without even arguing, a very, strong guy lifted me up in his arms. Fuck. I was going they will just leave me alone, or go and get Leon and give me time to escape.

I felt them bringing me down stairs. We were getting closer and closer to the gym. What do I do? If I kill them, Leon will take notice of me. If I let them bring me, while asleep. Lwon will still take notice of me. What if Leon only liked me because of my looks? ANd he will do the exact same thing this time? Wait. He was looking for someone named "Angela" Not a mute girl whos name is Diana. Maybe I'll be fine. But what if someone else picks me?

Shit shit shit! Whatever, Ill just kill myself again. I atleast got my revenge this time. As soon as they opened the doors to the gym. I could feel that all eyes were on us. Did not feel good. "Who is that girl?" I felt myself get goosebumps because of Leons voice. "We found her on the roof, asleep sir." The guy who was carrying me said. "Did you find her yet?" "No sir." The other guys said. I could feel myself get nervous. "Just put her over there." Leon said pointing somehwere.

I could feel myself getting out down on the ground. Someone then was shaking me. I opened my eyes, I then pretend to yawn. "We're you seriously asleep?" Some guy asked me. I looked at him. I then nodded. Trying to act innocent. I took out my notepad and wrote something down. 'What is happening?' "Oh, are you mute?" I nodded. I saw him blush. I smirked inside my head. "Uh, so these guys are Mafia, and they threaten to kill us all if he doesn't find a girl named "Angela"."

My eyes went wide. So he'll kill everyone in this school... Just to find me? He loves me that much? Now I kind of feel bad. But he was going to force me in marrying him. It's either I die, or I marry him. Then suddenly, the boy in front of me was shot in the head. His blood scattered everywhere, on me, the ground, and othef people. Everyone screamed around me. I didnt I flinched though. I turned my head and saw Leon pointing a gun at the kid. Dang it, and that kid was kinda cute to. Leon then started walking towards me. He then bent down in front of me, and grabbed my chin.

"Found you"

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