Kitty Cat

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 I woke up with hands tight around my waist, wait what? I opened my eyes to see a handsome man cuddling me. Oh right, he kidnapped me. I tried getting out of bed but he has an iron grip on me. It's kinda ridiculous. I turned around to face him, only to find him staring at me. I deadpanned at him. I don't like the way he's holding me nor looking at me, it's kind of creepy- "Why good morning darling!" He said very happy.

I just stared at him, not speaking to him. I just wanna get out of this bed- "You must be hungry! I'll go get you something! Stay right here." He said as he got up. I immediately got out of bed and ran to the bathroom before him. That's what my sister did to me every. Single. Day. Quite annoying. I thought I made him upset, but all I heard was a chuckle from the other side of the door.

Bastard. I thought he'd kill me by now. Maybe je's waiting for the perfect time, yes, that's it, hes trying to make me trust him and then betray me. Even if that's not right, I know he's going to kill me someday, I hope it's soon. Before that though, I wanna kill my sister and friends. I went to the toilet, took a shower, but when I went out of the shower, I realized I didn't have any clothes to wear- Shit.

I don't wanna sk a killer for clothes. Especially his clothes. I sighed. I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped out of the bathroom, only to be pinned against the wall. "What do you think you're doing coming out like this darling?" He whispered in my ear. Now I'm starting to not like this guy. "I need clothes." I said emotionless. "Hm, you sure it's not for another reason?" "Positive" He laughed at my quick answer. "Alright here you go." He then handed me some of his clothes.

I than was going to walk to the bathroom but then he grabbed my waist. "Where do you think you're going?" "To change." "Hm, either you change infront of me, or you wear nothing at all today."
I hate him. "No, I'd rather die." He seemed quite shocked of my answer. "I've never heard that one before!" He smiled. Ah, so he has done this more than once. Kidnap innocent girls. He let go of my waist. "Guess nothing it is then!" He than was about to grab my towel off my body. "Stop." I glared at him.

His playful act vanished immediately. "Either you take off that towel and change, or I rip off that towel and you wearing nothing at all. No other choices darling. I gave you those clothes, I want repayment." He glared daggers at me. I glared back at him. I can't believe he's trying to make me do this. "Can I repay you a different way?" "Sex." "No." Pure silence. I felt angered that I'm letting him see my body like this. I slowly put down the towel from around my body. I saw him look up and down my body.

I then quickly changed into his clothes. I wrapped my hands around my body, feeling exposed. "What a beautiful body you have darling~" I ignored him and wrapped a blanket around me from the bed. "Aw~ Someones embarrassed!" He smirked at me. I wanna leave if he's planning to rape me. "Anyway, I'll be back with breakfast! Don't move a muscle." He said the last part seriously. He then walked out the door.

Are you kidding. He didn't even close the door all the way. I stood up and walked out the door. I didn't care If I got caught, I wanted something to do. Not read books though, that's boring. I turned the opposite way he went. I then heard a meow. I turned my head and saw a kitty cat. It was my first time actually seeing a cat in person. I slowly walked up to it. I put my hand out, waiting for it to come to me.

It slowly walked up to me, and placed its head under my palm. It was really cute. I sat down against the wall, petting the kitty. It was purring to. I picked it up, beinf extra careful because of my wrist, and started exploring again. Little did I know that this was all a test. There were cameras everywhere. Everyone could see me. "She's going to run away with Mittens!!!" Jayden complained. "Shut up." Isacc said.

I continued walking until I heard familiar cries. Ones that belonged to my sister. I turned my head and saw a closet. I opened it and was tackled down by my sister. She started punching me. "This is all your fault!! I shouldn't be here! You deserve to stay here!!! Not me!!! You motherfucking bastard!!!! You piece of Shit!!!" She kept saying that stuff while hitting me. She even hit my wrist.

"I saw you point that gun at me!!! You were planning to kill me because you're jealous!" She kept rambling on and on while hitting me. I didn't even fight back because I know she's going to get in trouble anyway, so will I, but I won't get a punishment as bad as hers. "Ow!!" The cat scratched her on her face. "My beautiful face!!" Heh, as if- "How dare you, you worthless animal!" She then hit th kitty cat. That was my last straw. I tackled her into a strangling position.

"Ah!! What are you doing!??" "Revenge." I glared at her. I swear I saw her shiver. I then punched her as hard as I could. She got knocked out by a simple punch. Pathetic. I then stood up, struggling a bit. I leaned against the wall for support. I moved my wrist, and seethed in pain. She scratched and punched it. Now it hurts more. I picked up the cat with a one hand and decided to head back to my room.

As soon as I entered, there was Leon, on the bed, with breakfast. "Welcome back dar- Oh my, what happened?!!" He said as he rushed up to me. I couldn't say anything because as soon as he held me, I collapsed in his arms. I didn't fall asleep or anything, I just could barely move. He picked me up bridal style and placed me on the bed. "Who did you fight? It better not have been one of my men." I just stared at him.

"Answer me Angel or so help me, I will make sure that wrist never heals properly again." He said strictly. "My sister attacked me." "Your sister is here to?" I just nodded while feeling drowsy. The last thing I remember is him patching me up. Then I fell asleep. Again.

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