It's getting hot in here

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I tilted my head at him. He then lifted me up. I tried pushing against his chest, to atleast make him put me down. "Stop it Angela" I shook my head. I kept wiggling in his grip. He didn't even spare me a glance. He was so serious now. Kind of scary. I couldn't even grab my notepad because it was in my pocket. He was walking outside. No! I don't wanna be taken again!

I then bit his neck. It was the only thing closest to me that I could bite. He quickly dropped me. I swiftly grabbed his gun. I was about to shoot myself, but then I was tackled. "I told you. You will never escape from me darling." He said pinning my hands above my head. Atleast we were alone outside. We both then heard sirens really close. He quickly took his gun, and dragged me into a car close by.

He threw me in and told the driver to go. We then were off to my destined doom. I took out my notepad and quickly wrote down stuff. 'First off, my name's Diana. Second off, I'm mute. And third, Angela was murdered! Did you not see the news? That's why there are sirens!' I then gave him the note. He raised his eyebrow at me. "What are you talking about? Your Angela? She wasn't murdered. She killed herself with a knife. Then, thinking that she could escape me, she disguised herself." He smirked.

I felt dumb on how he knew that. "I know your wearing eye contacts, that your not mute, and that you dyed your hair darling." I looked down. Not believing any of this. I felt so trapped. I died for crying out loud!! Even in my next life. He knows... I'm gonna be stuck with him forever. I felt my eyes starting to tear up. "Do you even know what I did?" I whispered. "What do you mean?" He tilted his head at me.

"I killed 12 people already." "You what." He sounded pissed. I looked up at him with teary eyes. "I went on a killing Spree. I think I'm going crazy.." I said grabbing my hair on my head tightly. "Dar-" "Was it true that you wanted to marry me?" I cut him off. He stayed quiet. "Answer me..." I said crying even harder now. He put me on his lap and cuddled me. "Shhhh, it's okay darling, we'll get married when your ready.

"I don't wanna marry! I'm still in highschool for crying out loud!!" I said crying in his shoulder. Why am I seeking comfort from him?! I should despise him! He kidnapped me. Twice! He won't even leave me alone. I then felt something getting injected into me. I looked at him. The last thing I saw was him burrying his head in my hair. I woke up feeling something on my ankle. No... Don't tell me. I jolted out of his grip and crawled out of the bed and on the floor.

I had a chain on my ankle... Does he think I'm an animal that can be trained or something? "Hm~ Darling, get back up here." He said, sounding tired. No! you drugged me, and chained me up. I felt terrified of him now. I backed up against the wall. This is what my parents did sometimes because I "Disrespected" them. I was having a panic attack. But I didn't make any noise. I kept my hands over my mouth, desperate not to give in and let him help me.

I started shaking, badly. "Darling?" He then sat up on the bed. He looked over the bed and saw me burrying my head in my arms. Shaking. "Love?" He then got up and started walking towards me. "N-no! Stay away from me!" I screamed at him He stopped walking. towards me. I looked up at him to see that he was frowning, while looking kind of upset. I started breathing harder at this point. I can imagine my parents yelling at me while I was chained up like this.

Now all I was thinking about was my parents, and not the guy in front of me. I felt like I was gonna pass out, but then I felt warm. Leon was hugging me. I hugged him back, tightly. I burried my head in his chest. "Shhhh, darling, it's okay now." I started to breathe normally again. I hate that I let him help me. "What caused this panic attack?" He asked gently. "The chain.. My parents used that on me to.."

I could feel him tighten his hold on me. "Don't worry about killing Lucy or my parents. Because I already killed them." He shot his head down. "You killed them?" I nodded my head in his chest. "How?" "I sliced my parents throats while they were asleep. And I killed Lucy while she was awake. I stabed her sixty times." He grabbed my shoulders. He then made me look at his face, straight in the eye.

I looked him in the eyes to. I was scared on how he would react. He looked really angry when I said it in the car. He then suddenly kissed me. Hard. I dont know If I should be disgusted, embarrassed, or special that my first kiss was with a Mafia boss.


I was so shocked to hear that she killed her own family. I mean, who would have the guts to do that? Besides me. I grabbed her shoulders and stared in her eyes. I miss her light brown eyes. But I gotta say, she looks stunning with red hair. I couldn't resist myself from her. I then kissed her while pinning her against the wall. I could tell she was surprised. I held her cheek. I bit her lip, trying to make her open her mouth.

But she didn't. So I licked her lips instead. That got her mouth to open. She fought for dominance, but I of course won. I made out with her for like, ten minutes. She tastes so fucking good. Once I  took my mouth away from hers, she was panting, a lot. Shit. That's making me hard. It's so uncomfortable. "What was that for! You stole my first kiss!" I could feel myself smirking, knowing that was her first time kissing a guy. I leaned in again. She then tried to back up, but she was already against the wall.

"You're mine love"

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