gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw and slytherin

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"Welcome to hogwarts.i am your deputy head mistress professor mcgongal The start of term banquet will begin momentarily. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. There's gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw and slytherin."as these words left her thin lips everyone's heads whipped around to face the 5 young heirs standing at the back of the crowd. She sighed at the actions before continuing worried about the attention the 5 were receiving. Moxxi and Delphi loved the attention, They were waving and blowing kisses into the crowd as giggles erupted their throats.

"Now these house will be your home for the rest of your time here. Your houses are like your family. Your triamphs will earn you house points whilst any rule breaking will deduct house points. The house with the most points at the end of the year will win the house cup.Each house has its very own noble history and each has produced outstanding wizards and witches I hope each and every one of you will bring credit to whichever house becomes yours."

Her eyes lingered over the group of first years as amusement danced through her eyes."I shall call you all in when we are ready."
With that she turned and took off back for the great hall.

Excited wispers surrounded the first years as Harry looked around the room hoping to catch a glimpse of estella. She was stood at the back of the hall next to a beautiful girl with black and white hair. Harry watched as moxxi approached the young girl and enveloped her in a spine crushing hug.

Harry also noticed Delphi ravenclaw silently make her way over to the group. Moxxi smile grew as she saw her approaching,He watched with amusement as the girl introduced herself to the other 2 and they all started giggling and talking together. Moxxi hugged the 3 girls tightly as the doors slammed open. Harry turned to face the front as Ron and hermione stood by his sides.

Harry had never imagined something so splendid to be before his eyes. It was lit by thousands of candles which were floating in mid air over 4 large tables all decorated in different colours.

Red and gold, blue and silver, yellow and black and green and gray.

The first years all crept behind professor mcgongal as they made there way to the front of the hall. A brown chair sat facing the crowd as an old mangy hat sat in top of it.

"When I call your name please step forward I'll put the sorting hat on your head and you will sit on the stool and wait to be sorter"

"Abbot, hannah"

Moxxi and atlas zoned out of the sorting ceremony feeling someone's eyes on them. They both turned around to find to boys who looked like brothers staring at them. There murderous eyes stabbed right into the twins skin as there matching brown hair complemented there skin.

One had neatly styled hair whilst the other one had his brown hair tousled to the side. The youngest looking one had a scar running across his nose whilst he stood there smirking at the young girl. However the oldest looking one stood there glaring at them like they were nothing but specks of mud under his shoe.


There best friends name being called forced there heads to whip around. Atlas noticed the entire room go quiet as everyone stared at the heir of Gryffindor.

"Where oh where shall I put the young Gryffindor heir"

The hat rhymed as everyone in the great hall held the breaths


Chears erupted from the red and gold table as ceasur made his way over to his house with a smile. Next up was

Ravenclaw, Delphinis

Her shakey hands left moxxis grip that neither girl even know they had on each other.
This time however was different the hat didn't even touch her head before it bellowed out the word


A sigh of relief left her lips as she made her way over to blue and silver coated table. As atlas tried to turn his attention back to the sorting ceremony, the same 2 boys caught his eye. This time however they were closer to the twins. Slowly but surely after every name called they took a step closer. There eyes held the same murderous spirit as the hand grasped carefully on there wands.


The brunette stepped forward as the hat sat on his head. The hat said something in his ear making him laugh as the fear washed away from his body.

Obviously hufflepuff

"Why are you even doing this. I mean there the heirs of the houses of course there going to be in those houses" the old hat complained a boom came crashing down the side of is as Minnie stood there with a disaponteted look on her face
" Shut up you old hat and do your Job"


Moxxi felt her brother leave her side feeling cold and lonely. His carefully steps made moxxi nervous as she had a bad feeling about the hat. However she let out a breathe of relief as the hat shouted out there surname



It was her turn. She stepped up gently to the hat as it started speaking to her.

Ah I see courage yes tons of it but not enough wisdom is definitely not there so not ravenclaw. Your way too impatient to be a hufflepuff . I mean hufflepuffs are sweet and I don't think you have done a single nice thing in your life. Well in that case better make it

Gryffindor nah I'm just joking


Moxxi was happy to leave that rude old hat and returned to the side of her brother at the green and Grey table.


The hat didn't even touch bleach blondies hair before it yelled out the word slytherin. Moxxi glared at him as he strutted over to sit next to his goons. He winked at moxxi from over the table causing her to gag and face the ceremony again.


Just like her brother the beautiful blond didn't have to wait any longer then a second to be sorted. Soon there were only a few students left so moxxi started to zone out. It was only when two names got called that her head span around in shock



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