the chamber of secrets has been opened

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Estella sprinted up the staircase towards Dumbledore's office, with McGonagall trailing closely behind. She barged into the room without any warning, startling the elderly man. Standing before the headmaster, she began recounting everything that had happened. Just as she reached the part about Lockheart, the same man burst through the doors.

"Professors, you must come quickly!" he exclaimed.

They all hurriedly descended the stairs, only to be confronted by the heirs, who were standing in front of Lucinana herself. However, Lucinana was petrified. She lay motionless on the floor, her skin frozen solid, and a terrified expression etched on her face. Bloodied words were ominously scrawled on the wall behind her.

The chamber of secrets has been opened enemies of the heirs beware.

The heirs exchanged glances with one another while Ceasur casually draped his arm around Moxxi's shoulder. A mischievous smirk played across his face as he prepared to utter the wittiest and most flirtatious words of his existence.

"Hey moxxi? Can I slytherin to your chamber of secrets?"

Laughter filled the air, swirling around the group, as Moxxi playfully punched him in the shoulder and playfully shoved him away. Ceasur couldn't help but wink at the Slytherin girl, a mischievous grin spreading across his face, while the girl shot him a fierce glare. Eventually, the laughter subsided as the rest of the school gathered around the group, creating a non lively atmosphere.

The crowd gathered around, captivated by the unfolding scene, as Moxxi knelt down in an attempt to rouse Luciana from her slumber. The air was thick with anticipation, as if everyone held their breath, waiting for the moment when the hufflepuff girl would awaken.

"Enimies of the heirs. Well you'll be next mudbluds"

The moment those words escaped Malfoy's lips, all eyes were fixated on the heirs. There was no question in anyone's mind about who was responsible for unleashing the chamber of secrets.

Moxxi was the first to speak, desperately trying to persuade everyone that they were innocent. However, before she could even finish her sentence, the powerful voice of Dumbledore echoed through the corridors. With authority, he ordered everyone to return to their common rooms, while the five heirs were to remain there for interrogation.

Estella concealed herself around the bend, eavesdropping on their conversation, ensuring that Lockheart wouldn't attempt anything. Although she couldn't make out the exact questions the heirs were being asked, their expressions revealed that it wasn't a pleasant inquiry. Hastily, she retreated from her hiding place as she observed Moxxi and Atlas storming away from the teachers, with the remaining three heirs trailing closely behind.

In a hurry, the group of heirs dashed into the undercroft, seeking solace from the chaos. To their surprise, a sofa and a couple of armchairs had mysteriously materialized since their last encounter earlier that morning. Without giving it much thought, they chose to overlook the mesmerizing sparks of blue magic swirling around a particular spot on the floor as they plopped down onto the comfortable seats. In front of a crackling fire, they sat in silence, each one afraid to utter a word, fearing the wrath of Moxxi and the consequences it might bring.

They all let out a collective sigh of relief when Moxxi finally decided to break the silence. She began to rant about how unacceptable it was for the teachers to suspect her of harming one of her closest friends. Moxxi expressed her frustration about the unfair treatment she was receiving at school and vowed to make sure her father heard about it.

The moment those words left her mouth, she cringed at the thought of sounding like Malfoy - the boy she secretly had a crush on but would never admit. Lost in thoughts of the blonde boy, a blush spread across her cheeks, eliciting teasing laughter from her friends.

As she made her way out of the undercroft, she swiftly snatched a couple of pillows from the sofa behind her and playfully hurled them at their heads. With her cheeks nestled in her hands, she attempted to conceal the rosy blush that had crept onto her face.

She definitely had a huge crush on him.

Estella made her way back to her common room after witnessing the heir's meltdown. As she turned the corner, she was startled to find herself face to face with the intimidating presence of Lockheart. A sinister grin adorned his face, sending shivers down her spine. Sensing danger, she quickly attempted to retreat before falling victim to a spell. However, before she could escape, her entire body became paralyzed.

Petrificus Totalus.

She was completely numb, unable to feel anything. Fear consumed her as she wondered what Lockheart had in store for her. Her eyes darted around anxiously as Lockheart effortlessly flipped her body over. With a wicked smirk, he raised his wand once more. Darkness engulfed her, leaving her in a state of uncertainty.

Estella's eyes snapped open in recognition of the room she found herself in - Lockheart's office. She struggled against the ropes binding her to the chair, feeling them cut into her skin and draw blood. Lockheart's gaze met hers, a smirk playing on his lips as he rose from his seat. Advancing towards her, he clenched his fist and struck her across the face, spitting in disgust.

"If you ever interfere in my affairs again, I will end you," he threatened, releasing her and raising his wand, whispering a single word.


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