Draught of the living death

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Moxxis eyes flashed open as darkness surrounded her. She stumbled to her feet staring at the dead bodies that littered the flood. A snake curled around atlas as blood gurgled from his mouth. The snake wrapped around tighter as atlas' eyes begged moxxi to help. She couldn't move it felt like she was glued to the ground. She willed her legs to move to her brother as screams echoed through the air. Her screams. As the snake wrapped around tighter her brother started turning blue. Tighter and tighter. She could she the veins in his head popping out. She couldn't look away. A crack echoed through the air as his neck snapped. Her screams filled the air as she fell to the ground. Black waves of power fell from her exhausted body.

Moxxis screams filled the air as her eyes shot open. The blinding sun shone down onto the 5 heirs as they all looked at her in shock. She whipped her head around to take in her surroundings. It was the same spot as her dream. Every time she blinked visions of her brothers dead body flashed through her mind. She couldn't stay there any longer. Looks of shock washed over there faces as the youngest heiress stood up and sprinted inside. She didn't stop running. Her little legs carried her down the corridors as quickly as they could as her dreams started replaying in her mind.

She closed her eyes trying to shake them away when she came crashing hard into a brick wall. She fell to the ground panting as she looked up at the thing she bumped into. Bleach blondie was standing over her with a scowl on his face. He glared at her as she sat on her elbows rolling her eyes and trying to catch her breath. "watch were your going you filthy blood traitor"

"Shut your bleached blonde ferret looking ass up" she retaliated as she pushed her way back onto her feet.The tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a knife. None of the two dared to say anything. They stared at each other as heat flushed over their cheeks. She could feel his breath on her skin as her eyes roamed his face. She took in his light freckles on his cheeks and a tiny scar on his forehead. His piercing greys eyes looked beautiful too him.

Little did she know he was doing the same. His eyes roamed over every little bump and valley decorating her beautiful skin, they traveled along each scar and spot.His eyes landed on the scar on her nose, it looked like the newest one,as his hand reached up to touch it. Her blue and green eyes widened as she shoved him back into the wall next to them and drew her wand. She placed it on his neck as she glared at him.

"Try and touch me again and I'll rip of your hands and feed them to my snake" with that she turned and stalked back to the common room.

Grey eyes watched her figure disappear into the distance as his goons appeared beside him.turning his focus back to his friends, they made there way to the great hall for breakfast. Draco sat in the middle as he had goyle, zabinni and a riddle on his left side whilst crabbe Berkshire and nott sat on his other side.

Malfoy zoned out of the conversation as his mind kept flashing back to young heiress. They way she looked, they way her perfume enticed him into wanting more. Butterflies filled his belly as a smile made its way to his face. She was different. And he wanted to know more.

His grey eyes were ripped away from the side of her face as the door slammed open.

" there will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion- making. However for a select few who possess the predisposition."

The monotone voice faded slowly as his eyes met those of malfoys. A small smirked made its way onto bleach blondies face as the teachers eyes stalked the rest of the class.

" I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper on death."

Snapes eyes roamed over the boy who lived. His pen scratching the parchment made the class turn his direction. Moxxi and atlas rolled their eyes at each other as malfoy smirked at the boy.

"Then again, maybe some of you have came to hogwarts with abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention."

Ceasur,who sat directly behind Harry potter, kicked the back of his chair getting his attention as professor snape stalked closer to Harry's table.snickers escaped from the back of the classroom as Darcy and Estella sat there with tears in there eyes. Harry's face flashed red with embarrassment at his sister laughing at him.

"Mr potter" the way he said his name cause shivers to run down everyone's spines.

"One of our brand new celebrities." His face grew reader. " tell me what would i get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

A few hands shot up as the class remained quiet.you could hear a pin drop. "You don't know? Let's try again" The awkward tension grew as the teach asked another question. "Where, mr potter, would you look if I asked you to find a bezoar?"

"I don't know sir" his timid voice escaped his mouth as everyone could feel the tension.

"What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Harry repeated the same four words.
" clearly fame isn't everything is it mr potter" a smirk slid across snakes face as he turned to face his daughter . "Miss potter care to tell Harry"

"Asphodel and wormwood make a powerful sleeping potion known as the draughty of the living death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the inside of a goats stomach and monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant which also go by the aconite." Estella answered the questions perfectly. She smirked at her brother as snape continued the class.

"Maybe mr potter if you decided to actually pick up a book for once in your life you might know a thing or two"

Laughter exacted the class as snape turned around and stalked back to the front of the class. On the other side of the classroom sat the young boy with murderous eyes. He wasn't paying attention to what was going on around him he was only paying attention to her.

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