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As the murderous young men stealthily approached the emerald table, their gaze remained fixated on the twins. Atlas and Moxxi were taken aback upon hearing the surname of the dark Lord. Their astonishment grew even further when they realized that someone actually desired to have children with that abomination. Despite the boys' unwavering stare, Moxxi managed to tear her eyes away and refocus on what lay ahead.


Whispers came from every angle of the room and she walked up to the hat. Snape looked pleased with his daughter as the hat bellowed the word she always wanted to hear


She confidently walked towards the vacant seat beside Moxxi and settled down with a mischievous grin. Sitting across from Mattheo, their eyes locked and something shifted within him. There was an air of mystery around her, something intriguing that he couldn't quite put his finger on. His gaze remained fixed on the young potter girl, unable to look away. A smirk played on her lips as she noticed his unwavering stare. Turning to the heiress beside her, she extended her hand once more.

"You never shook my hand on the train," she whispered in the heiress's ear.

"Yeah, well, you were a bitch on the train, so I didn't feel like it," came the sharp reply. The words stung, causing the smirk on the potter's face to falter for a moment before returning even stronger. The Slytherin's grip on the potter's hand tightened as the two girls shared a knowing smirk. It was clear they were destined to get along famously, like a match and a flame.

At the Gryffindor table, Ceasur found himself seated next to the other chosen one. Instantly, they formed a strong bond as they delved into conversations about muggle things. Their shared love for the muggle movie Star Wars became the centerpiece of their friendship. They couldn't stop talking about it, discussing their favorite characters, lightsaber colors, and even their preferred Siths. While everyone else at the table couldn't make sense of their conversations, they had a deep understanding of each other.

However, muggle movies weren't the only source of connection among the students. Orpheus and Luciana, sitting nearby, discovered their mutual passion for photography and reading. Their favorite books happened to be the same - The Hunger Games. The idea of a dystopian world filled with battles and villains excited them both. In that very moment, they knew they had found their best friends.

The ravenclaws, on the other hand, were forming a unique bond. Delphi had quickly become close friends with a young girl named Luna Lovegood, who had a peculiar fascination with magical creatures. Little did her friends know, Delphi had a particular interest in a species called nargals, and she couldn't find anyone else who knew about them except Luna.

As for Atlas Slytherin, he found himself befriending a group of three boys: Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire, and Blaise Zabini. They were the popular crowd, and surprisingly, they also seemed to be friends with someone Atlas couldn't stand - the bleach blondie. Despite his dislike for the blondie, Atlas had to tolerate their presence for the sake of his newfound friendships.

As the great hall buzzed with camaraderie, it was evident that everyone had formed close bonds, except for the enigmatic riddles. Their piercing glares followed anyone who dared to pass by. The potter twins and the heirs had always been the target of their deep-seated grudge. When they discovered that all of them would be attending the same school simultaneously, the two boys seized the opportunity to embark on their educational journey. Their thirst for revenge was palpable, and they were determined to achieve it.

Despite feeling the intense gaze on the back of her head, Moxxi carried on conversing with her newfound friends - Pansy Parkinson and Astoria Greengrass. Pansy and Estella harbored an inexplicable animosity towards each other, resulting in silent stares whenever they engaged in conversation. Apart from this minor tension, Moxxi was thoroughly enjoying herself. She adored her new surroundings, and it was only their first night. The heirs were all captivated by the enchanting atmosphere.

After the grand feast, the prefects rose and escorted the 1st years to their common rooms. Once the room was empty, blondie and his crew sauntered over to the riddles. Moxxi was oblivious to their chatter until she saw them exchanging handshakes. Grins spread across their faces as Mattheo locked eyes with Moxxi. He leaned in and whispered something to Draco, causing everyone to turn and stare at her. Laughter erupted. They were laughing at her.

Moxxi clenched her fists and marched towards the boys. Before she could strike, Atlas intervened, grabbing her hand and guiding her down the hallway to her other friends. Moxxi couldn't shake the thought of the bleach blondie and the sinister twins. She knew they were trouble.

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