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Time. Time is only used by people when they think it's convenient for them. They use it in many ways, but death is time. And everyone knows you can't beat death at its own game. However, some people still try to mock death, thinking that nothing will happen to them. That's where karma strikes, bringing them to their knees until they are dragged to hell.

And that's what the mortal world is all about people who think they can cheat their way through life without any consequences in their path. Some are worthy to enter heaven and one of those people is Elanor.

So, why don't we get into her past life? Not like she'll remember it or her death. She doesn't need to know what happened, not yet at least.


The woman stood amidst the dense foliage of the forest, her eyes fixed on the towering tree before her. She had been hacking away at the trunk for hours, her muscles straining with every swing of the axe. And now, as the last blows fell, a sense of triumph washed over her. The sound of the tree crashing to the ground was a symphony of wood splintering and leaves rustling. She called out to her friend, who was carving a sculpture nearby, "Oye Pablo, ya lo hice, ven y echa un vistazo!" As he hurried over to her, she felt a sense of pride welling up inside her.

Her friend looked at her in amazement, his eyes wide with admiration. "Nunca pensé que serías capaz de talar ese árbol. Era bastante fuerte para alguien como tú," he chuckled, though his words were tinged with respect. But the woman was not in a playful mood, and she pushed him aside with a scowl. He stumbled a little before catching himself, still smiling at her determination.

"Estoy bromeando, pero ¿cómo vamos a moverlo?" He asked chucking a little before grabbing the hatchet from her hand. " No tengo ni menor idea " she sighed taking off her gloves and tossing them onto the tree. she sat on the ground as her poncho freely moved with the wind " ¿Quieres llamar a mi papá? Él puede traer a su equipo aquí para ayudarnos." He said crouching down next to her ." Supongo, pero no tenemos una radio con nosotros. " She said looking at her friend with tired eyes.

Her friend thought for a minute before he sighed siting next to her " Supongo que no tenemos otra opción que dejarla y volver mañana." He looked at Elanor's defeated face at his words but she sighed standing up "Tienes razon ".

She grabbed her hatchet back while waiting for her friend to pick up his stuff before walking back home.

They both walked in silence before Pablo decided to speak up " ¿Crees que los soldados franceses vendrán aquí?" His voice was barely above a whisper but she still managed to hear him as she glanced at him. " Sabes que no puedo mentirte, vendrán y no podemos hacer nada para detenerlos." Her voice quivered looking away at his saddened face.

" Sí, pero ¿no crees que al menos podemos intentarlo? Tu Sabes ,luchar contra elos? " He looked at her with slight hope that maybe she'll agree with him. She sighed looking at his teared up eyes before speaking " Incluso si podemos, simplemente nos matarán y ni siquiera puedo pensar en que te maten sabiendo que podría haberlo detenido."

He sighed looking down on the ground " Eres muy amable conmigo, Y temo que si vienen no tendría la oportunidad de protegerte a tiempo." She looked at him in sadness as she reached towards his hand wanting to comfort him in a way. " No tienes que protegerme pablo- " he looked at her with tears in his eyes " Pero quiero protegerte, eres la única que me importa, Elanor! Por favor, prefiero morir antes que saber que estarás en peligro!"

As he let go of her hand, his voice reverberated through the forest. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at him in shock. " Preferirás morir antes que salvarte a ti mismo". "Her voice was filled with intense emotions that showed the heartbreak she felt." " Si Elanor, realmente no puedo vivir sin... ti a mi lado." As his tears trickled down onto the floor, he balled his hands into fists. The unspoken silence between them conveyed everything.

"No puedo-...Yo solo no puedo vivir con el dolor de que alguien te haya m-matado... " His whole demeanor broke as he collapsed onto the ground trying to cover the pain in his face but, it was too late for him to take it back. Back into the darkest pits in his mind.

Elanor on the other hand watched how her friend broke in front of her as rain started to pour onto them She dropped down on her knees before bringing him into a hug knowing he needed it. In a way, she couldn't process what was thrown at her but, she understood it very well. Because it happened to her before and she didn't want him to die the same fate as them.

She tried to compose herself while her friend cried on her shoulder but, him letting out all the pain he felt made her have the same breakdown as he did.


A/n: eh I guess this turned out alright. Anyway uh thanks for reading and if you have any questions I may respond to them if it doesn't include some stuff that I don't want to reveal just yet.

Oh and yes this chapter does foreshadow how she died in a way. But it doesn't foreshadow specifically what caused her to have her life ripped away from her.

But hint, it does have something to do with Pablo. ;)

And I wanted you guys to have some sort of idea on what Elanor did when she was alive.  Since I didn't want to go straight to the afterlife I just wanted a bit of background before we went into that.

Oh, and I almost forgot that the Yandere tendencies/behavior will start slowly because I wanted them to actually have a connection before they went all crazy on her. I hope you understand.

And I will reveal in the Future chapters how she died.

Anyway, I think that's all so, peace.

Finished editing:

Chapter finished: February 4th, 2024

Chapter published: February 6th, 2024

Word count: 1, 067

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