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The sound of footsteps pounding rapidly on the floor echoed eerily through the walls, accompanied by the cries of an infant child.
After a few moments, it stopped. But, it wasn't the ... good kind of silence. It was the kind that sent chills down your spine.

The shrill cries of a woman followed the silence as the agonizing pain at what lay before her eyes. Tears dripped down her face as her whole body shook uncontrollably.  With shaky hands, she wanted to reach towards someone before it all went black.


The sound of spears hitting each other echoed through the room nonstop as the build-up anger of both females radiated off of them. Their rivalry was ... Amusing to say the least but, when you dwell on the cause it doesn't become as amusing as before.

Their banter started during their first extermination when they both got the highest... kill numbers. They both wanted control over the other even though they are the most respected extermination angels they still wanted more than that. One of them got the title Lieutenant which infuriated the other. They'll shove, kick, yell, and even hit each other just to annoy or even ruin each other's day.

On the other hand, Adam found this amusing as he just watched them fight. But that didn't help the situation as they both wanted to prove to their Commander that they were better than each other.

But, that wasn't the cause of them fighting.

A particular newcomer sparked something inside them that set ablaze a fierce fire burning as their rivalry grew into something that shouldn't have been awakened. They both stuck to her like glue when they first laid their eyes on her not leaving her until it was absolutely necessary. As time went by they began to become obsessive but, hid it from her.

But that didn't stop them from being at each other's throats.

Her compliments, praises, gestures, voice, heck even one look towards them made their obsession grow and their rivalry towards each other turned into something uncontrollable. They've fought each other on various occasions on who could get to her first or even have her for themselves for a while but, this fight was something different than the others.

They want to kill each other for their little obsession's adoration.

And that's how these two are on a rampage to kill each other in the arena.

Thankfully, Adam appeared with news for the both of them but, halted seeing these two quite literally at each other's throats. " Ay, I know you two like to fight but, I don't think your little Elanor would like to see you two bitches looking beat up at her place." His voice was all raspy due to him barely waking up a few minutes ago as he raised an eyebrow with a slight grin seeing them quickly snap their heads to him at the mention of her.

" She asked for me?" The golden-eyed one, known as lute, spoke first softening the grip she had on Vaggie who shoved her aside. " Oh please why would anyone ask for you she probably felt bad for you sorry ass" Vaggie spoke with annoyance as Lute glared at her " And what makes you think it wasn't you who she thinks is pathetic!" She shoved a finger to her shoulder as she seethed with rage. " Because I'm better than you!" She shoved her back with a cocky smirk on her face.

" You bit-"Lute began but, was interrupted by Adam "Alright calm your tits down ladies I just came here to tell you both that she wants you bitches at her place. I think it's the project she's working on or something I don't know. But don't kill each other on your way there, got it?" He spoke looking bored out of his mind as they just glared at each other. " Fine " they both said through gritted teeth looking away from each other.

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