Book 2: Chapter 12

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Sorry for the long wait, but I'm running out of pre-written chapters, and have been on a writers block for a while. But I've been working on an Avengers Fanfiction, which is called The Change in Destiny, so if you want to read it, then go ahead. Also I finally graduated High School, so I do have more time, but again I'm in a writers block on what i want to happen exactly. Anyway enjoy and don't forget to comment with some ideas that may help, as well as vote please! 


The telephone rings.

"The kid?" Canton asks as Nixon stands up.

"Should I answer it?" Nixon asks as I was showing the Doctor where the phone call was coming from.

"Here!" I say pointing it out on the map and the Doctor grins kissing my head.

"The only place in the United States that call could be coming from. See? Obvious, when you think about it." the Doctor says happily as Amy and the Social Services guy come back.

"You, two, are a geniuses" Canton says to us and I grin happily.

"It's a hobby." the Doctor says.

"Mister President, answer the phone." Canton says and Nixon grabs the phone and turns on the recording tapes.

"Hello. This is President Nixon." Nixon says answering the phone.

'It's here! The spaceman's here! It's going to get me! It's going to eat me!'

"There's no time for a SWAT team. Let's go. Mister President, tell her help's on the way." the Doctor says grabbing his coat and putting it on grabbing my hand.

"Canton, on no account follow us into this box and close the door behind you." I say knowing he would do the opposite and grinned pulling the Doctor as Canton chases after us.

"What the hell are you doing?" Canton yells as he follows us.


"Jefferson isn't a girl's name. It's not her name either. Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton. River." the Doctor says spinning around the console flipping switches to set them to where we needed to go.

"Surnames of three of America's founding fathers." River says.

"Lovely fellows. Two of them fancied me. The other fancied her" the Doctor says glancing at me.

"Don't spoil it for me, haven't done that yet!" I yell over to him as I stood by Rory who looked

"Are you okay? Coping?" Rory asks Canton as he looks around bewildered his mouth opening like a goldfish.

"You see, the President asked the child two questions. Where are you and who are you? She was answering where." the Doctor says explaining what the child was asking for.

"It's bigger on the inside." Canton says and I laugh at his expression and walk up to the console.

"Yeah, you get used to it." Rory says shrugging like it was nothing.

"Now, where would you find three big, historical names in a row like that?" the Doctor asks.

"Where?" Amy asks and the Doctor grins at her before flipping the final switch.

"Here. Come on." the Doctor says rushing over to the door only to be stopped by Canton.

"It's er..." Canton says but stops trying to find the right words.

"Are you taking care of this?" the Doctor asks as he pulls me along with him River following us.

"Why is it always my turn?" Rory asks us while we step out.

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