Book 1: Chapter 14

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One we were in the time vortex, Donna decided that she wanted to sleep. I on the other hand wanted to eat, because I don't remember when I last ate. So I went to the kitchen to look for something to eat, mostly was looking for a Jammie Dodger, because I've never had one, and always wanted to try one.

"Oh come on, they have to be around here somewhere!" I yell standing on a chair looking in one of the top shelf cupboards .

I heard a laugh behind me and raise my head banging it on the shelf. "OUCH!" I yell and move my head out and rub it.

I turn around to see the Doctor laughing more and I pout, "Stop laughing it really hurt, your mean" I tell him.

He rolls his eyes and walks over to me and holds his hand out and I grab it letting him help me off the chair I was standing on. "What were you looking for anyway?" he asks me.

"Jammie Dodgers " I tell him. "I want a cookie, so I want a Jammie Dodger" I say stubbornly.

He gives me a questioning look, "Why would I have Jammie Dodgers here anyway?"

"well because you…oh right different reaeration" I say and pout, "I wanted a Jammie Dodger"

"How about I make you something to eat?" the Doctor asks me and I raise my eyebrow.

"Fine, just please don't burn down the kitchen, I am pretty sure Sexy wouldn't like you burning her." I tell him.

"I won't, or I won't at least try to" he says and turns to make something for me to eat.


I was sitting on the counter across from where the Doctor was cooking or baking something.

"So, what are you making?" I ask him swinging my legs.

"Cupcakes" he responds to me.

"Cupcakes? Wait really? I have got to see you baking" I say and jump off the counter walking next to him noticing the mess.

"How much actully got into the bowl?" I ask him and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"If you're going to stand there you might as well help me" he tells me and I grab the spoon he was stirring with.

"Or, how about I bake and you watch, I'd rather you not accidently put something that shouldn't be in a cupcake in the batter. " I say and bum my hip with his to make him move over.

"Fine, you do it, but make them banana, you make the best banana cupcakes" he says moving away but then wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Doctor, how about I make the cupcakes, you make the frosting." I tell him.

"Well if you're sure" he tells me breathing in my ear making me shiver.

"Yup, totally sure, go on, and just normal earth frosting, though you can make it as sweet as you want." I tell him and he lets go of my waist and goes to make the frosting.


Once the cupcakes were in the oven, I turned around and found the Doctor with a bowl of frosting and with his finger covered in the frosting about to put it in his mouth.

I cleared my throat "Trying to eat it before the cupcakes are done, shame, maybe you deserve a cupcake after what you're doing" I say walking over to him, with him giving me the deer in headlights expression.

"I wasn't….I mean….I was just trying to make sure that the frosting wasn't too sweet or not sweet enough?" he says more like a question.

"Suuure, right of course, you never do anything wrong." I tell him and wrap my arms around his neck.

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