Book 1: Chapter 27

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Here is a little fluff chapter, hope you like it, I am going to try and post a new chapter sometime next week, maybe two If I have time. Review I f you want a certain episode, and tell me if there are any mistakes.


Once we got to our room I instantly took off my shoes and went to the closet only to find short shorts, and one of the Doctor's shirts and groan at the Tardis or only giving me this to wear and grab it, the Doctor following me.

"Uh, where do you think you are going?" I ask him as he tries to follow me into the bathroom.

"Following you." he states like it is normal.

"Yeah, not gonna happen mister, you stay out here, I'm gonna get a shower, then change, then we can sleep." I tell him and close the door on him and get a shower going, but before I made sure to take my contacts out.


Once I was all clean and had on the shorts and the Doctor's shirt that I had to roll up due to it being too long and trying to make it so that I was more comfortable, without exposing my chest because she didn't give me a bra to sleep in I walked out of the bathroom running into the Doctor and nearly falling, but him catching me and picking me up only to place me in the bed then give me a questioning look.

"Is that my shirt?" he asks me and I avoid his eyes.

"Uh maybe?" I tell him biting my lip and fidget as he nuzzles my neck.

"Well you look perfect in it." he tells me and I feel his lips brushing my neck making my breath hitch.

"Thanks I guess, it was the only thing the Tardis would give me to wear, and could you stop, your breath tickles" I say squirming and moving so I was laying on his chest and he weaved his fingers through my hair and it was slowly making me more sleepy.

"Fine, just sleep" he tells me and I close my eyes listening to his heart beats.


When I woke up I noticed that the Doctor was no wear to be found so I got up, grabbed my glasses that were somehow on the bedside table, with a note that read:

Making food, come to the kitchen when you wake up.

-Doctor xxx

So I walked to the kitchen, or well I more like stumbled to the kitchen, due to still half-way being asleep and sort of awake.

When I got there in the kitchen I noticed that the table was filled with pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, or well most fruit and the Doctor was about to toss out the apples somewhere, who knows where, before I stopped him.

"NO!, drop the apples now mister, I want an apple, and you will put them back or face my wrath, and I am hungry so you better listen" I threaten him and he jumps and quickly places the apples back on the table with wide eyes and a scared look.

"Got it, don't mess with your food, been there done that, not going to do it again, it was a terrible idea and didn't end well at all." he mumbles turning back to the stove where he flips what I think is more pancakes.

"These are edible, right?" question as I grab a few strawberries and gesture toward the pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage.

"I am hurt that you would think that I can't cook, because you well know I can" I hear him say as I sit down and take some pancakes.

"Yea, but you don't usually cook, unless you really want something, or need my help, so what is it that you want to do?" I say to him as I put syrup on my pancakes and take a bite.

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