Chapter 1: The Movies

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Emily POV

I looked in my full body mirror to check out my outfit for tonight. Alison and I were going to the movies and I'm picking her up at 7. It is currently 6:30.

I'm wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt with a blue & white varsity jacket with high top converse. My hair was in it's usual manner. I looked casual but like a jock, which is my favorite look.

I looked at the time, 6:10 it read. I still had 30 minutes until I needed to get Ali. No, this isn't a date this is two Best friends, hanging out at a theatre, going to watch a scary movie. I think I'm starting to like Ali again though, and it scares me like hell.

We still haven't talked about that night that happened in her bedroom. I want to, but how do you bring that up casually? Exactly. You just can't. I don't know how she feels and I'm not sure if I want to. I mean, we always hangout and have fun, we flirt sometimes but all friends do, right?

I sigh, thinking about Ali, her face, her gorgeous gold hair, her eyes, her's weird to think about someone's height. But I do, she is exactly 4 inches shorter than me. She is 5'4 and I'm 5'8. We have the perfect height distance for a couple...when I hug her, my chin can rest perfectly on her head. I can't fall for her again...but I can't not fall for her. She is absolutely perfect. She may be a little mean sometimes but she is the Alison DiLaurentis. Plus she isn't mean to me, she's sweet and caring.

I get pulled out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing, I got a text.
Alison: Hey Em, can you pick me up at 6:40? I want to get there early for good seats.

Emily: Sure Ali, see you in 10

I put my phone in my pocket, grab my keys, and head out the door. I start my car and take the route to Ali's house. I pull up at exactly 6:40. I walk up to the steps and ring the doorbell. A few seconds she opens the door and she looks beautiful, even in a simple white dress with flats and her hair in her normal curls.

"Hey Em!" She says in her sweet voice while getting on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around my neck in a hug. My arms wrap around her waist and give a little squeeze.

"Hey Ali, you look cute." I say "Ready to go?" I see a small blush creep onto her face. Did I just make Alison DiLaurentis blush?

"Thanks Emily, you clean up well yourself. And yes, I am ready"She says with a smile on her face.

I smile and lead her to the passengers seat and open her door. She utters her thanks and I shut her door then walk to the driver side.

"What movie are we going to see?" Alison asked looking at me.

"That's for me to know and you to find out but, here's a hint, its my favorite genre of movies." I said with a slight smile.

"That's easy, its a horror movie. Great, that's what I need now,a movie that can make me jump." She stated with a sarcastic tone and a smile.

"Don't worry. Just remember, its not real, plus I'll be right next to you." I smile at the end, hoping to convince her she'll be okay.

"You're right Em, I always feel safe with you." She says sweetly as we pull up to the theatre.

I get out of the car and open her door ..again. What am I doing?

"Em, is this ...a date kind of thing?" she hesitantly asks.

I blush..bad. "I didn't intend on it being like a date but it feels like it. So, Alison DiLaurentis, would you please go on a date with me?" I say confidently but I don't feel very confident inside.

She smiles and I honestly expected her to laugh in my face, but her words shocked me . "Yes, I will go on a movie date with you"

I smiled so much my cheeks hurt. I lead her inside and bought drinks and popcorn and even some candy because I know Ali has a sweet tooth. We settled into our seats and watched 20minutes worth of previews. The popcorn was basically gone by the time the movie came on.

We pulled the armrest up and I put my arm around Ali while she rested her head on my shoulder. This is the best moment ever, I've waited most of my adolescent life for me and Ali to be on a date. a scary part came on and she jumped, wrapped her arms around my stomach and buried her face in my neck. I tightened my arm round her and she physically relaxed.

We stayed in that position for the rest of the movie. Her jumping every so often. I felt a little sad by the end, knowing we will have to get out of our comfy position. We stretched out and walked outside to my car.

"Thanks for the movie Em, even though I was scared the whole damn time." She ended with a giggle.

"No problem, I personally, enjoyed the movie." I said with a smile.

We drove the rest of the way in a comfortable silence. We pulled up to her house and I walked her to the doorstep. I wrapped my arms around her waist, giving her a hug. She reciprocated by wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled away slightly, resting my hands on her hips while her arms settled on my shoulders. I just stared into her eyes that I could drown in.

She smiled up at me and said, "Em, are you gonna kiss me or stare at me forever?"

I leaned own and captured her lips with my own. It was one of the best kisses I've ever had. It was the best because she returned the gesture and she is the best kisser. Before I could stop smyself,my tongue swept across her bottom lip asking for entrance , which she gave way to. My tongue battled hers for dominance, of course I won. After that my tongue explored every inch of her mouth, I pulled away when air became a need.

"That was..." Alison started.

"Amazing." I finished and smiled at her.

"Goodnight Em." She says while removing her hands from my shoulders.

"Goodnight Ali, I'll text you tomorrow." I said and she nodded then headed inside.

I had a goofy smile on my face the whole way home and into the night.
Hey guys! This is my first fanfic ever so sorry for mistakes or if it suck haha. Please leave comments and review. I try to update a few times a week.
Note: I do NOT own ANY characters through this whole story

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