Chapter 3: The Talk

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Alison POV

It's about 1:10 pm when I hear the doorbell ring. Emily's here! I'm a bit more excited than I thought I'd be. I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look okay. I'm wearing a pink long-sleeved sweater, ripped jeans, a simple necklace and my hair is in it's curls (She wore this in the episode they got Pepe).

I walk down the stairs to greet Emily. I open the door and I'd be lying if I said she didn't look great. She smiles and I give her a hug, wrapping my arms around her neck. She reciprocated with her arms around my waist.

"Hey, Em. C'mon in." I say after I pull away and step out of the way so she can walk in.

"Thanks." She starts "What do you want to do?" She asks while looking around.

"Well we did state we needed to talk, so lets go up to my room." I say and she takes off her shoes while I start up the stairs.

We enter my room and I sit on the bed while she stands at the foot of the bed, biting her nails. She talks first. "I took you on a date last night that didn't start as a date. It started as two friends, going to the movies. Then we decided it was a date. What kind of date would you say it was? A friend date? Or like a date, date?" She says all in one nervous breath. I think she's more scared than me.

I take all that in and take a deep breath. "Em..." I begin. "we kissed and it wasn't a peck, we full on kissed...with tongue. Friends don't do that...unless they're drunk and I'm positive we weren't." I end with a little laugh. She relaxes and thinks, then smiles.

"So, I went on a real date with the Alison DiLaurentis and she liked it?" She says while sitting down on the bed.

I smile and ask "Who said I liked it?" I tease, her smile only widens.

"Hanna, she said you think I'm a gentleman and a great kisser."

My eyes go wide "That bitch! She doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut." I end in a huff.

"And I'm utterly grateful for it" She says with a teasing tone.

"Okay, yes, you took me on a date that I enjoyed. I loved being with you, the cuddling, the kiss. I..." I stop and breathe. "I think I have feelings for you." I whisper but I'm sure she can hear.

Her smile drops and so does my heart. Uneasy is written all over her face. " like m-me?" She says, shocked and pointing to herself.

"Yes. And if I'm being honest, I think I've liked you for awhile. That night...a few weeks ago was the best nights I've ever had. I know I toyed with you when we were younger...but I'm not now." I end tearing up a bit.

"I know." She states. "I know you're being honest and it's my turn for honesty. I really like you too and I don't think I ever stopped. But I don't think we should date right now. Lets just, take it slow." She said a little teary herself.

I smile, wide. "I agree." I state before cupping her cheeks and pulling her into me. I crashed our lips together and pulled her on top of me. She is between my legs and my hands are threading through her dark brown locks.

I'm quick to flip us over. I'm straddling her while her hands find my hips and my hands rest on her shoulders. Our lips never disconnect. My tongue begs for entrance, which she gives. My tongue explores her mouth and I find myself grinding against her. She pulls away first and looks at me with a small smile.

"I don't think that goes along the 'taking it slow' lines." She says while still looking at me.

I laugh lightly and roll off of her. "Well then, what do you want to do?" I ask while she looks through her phone.

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