Chapter 8: Sunday Hangouts

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Emily POV

I wake up and look at the time. 11:28. I think back to last night and smile uncontrollably. Alison is my girlfriend! After the picnic I drove her home. It was hard to fall asleep, I was too happy!

I decide to text Ali because why not?
Emily: Good morning beautiful!

I walk downstairs, leaving my phone on my bed.

"Hey mom." I greet her as she hands me cold breakfast. "Why is it cold?"

"Because it was made two hours ago. You slept awhile." She answers while finishing cleaning up.

"Sorry, mom." I apologize and put my food in the microwave.

"How was the picnic?" She asks innocently, but I know she wants details.

"Good." I reply, pulling my food out of the microwave. "We ate and talked then I drove her home."

"Is that all?" She presses for information.

I smile to myself and sit down. "She's my girlfriend now." I answer her and take a bite of eggs.

She smiles and hugs me. "I'm happy for you guys. But remember, your door stays open".

"Thanks, and I know the rules." I say.

She smiles and walks up the stairs to her room. I finish eating and walk into my room and check my phone. Ali replied.

Ali❤: Good morning! Call me.

I smile and call her. She picks up after 3 rings. "Hey Em." She greets happily.

"Hey babe. What's up?" I say while laying down.

"I love when you call me that and I wanted to know if you could come over?" She asks.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there around 12:30." I say to her.

"Okay Em, bye." She bids then hangs up.

I have about 45 minutes to get to Ali's. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I'm wearing a blue football jersey with '10' on the front and back with jeans and tennis shoes.

I go on my phone for awhile to pass time. I go on Ali's profile on Instagram, she added me into her bio. 'Emily❤' That's cute but now I feel bad, I never put people I'm dating in my bio, maybe she won't notice. I changed the lock screen on my phone, it was a group picture of all of the girls. Now, its the picture Hanna took of Ali and I kissing. I must say, I love it.

It's 12:20 so I grab my keys and walk downstairs.

"I'm going to Alison's, mom. I'll be back later." I say quickly while opening the front door but, of course, she stops me.

"Will her dad be home?" She asks.

I almost laugh. This is why she stopped me? "He doesn't work on weekends so I assume. Even if he's not, nothing will happen mom. We haven't even been dating a full day." I say and I can tell she feels a little better.

"Okay, be back by 5." She says and I nod.

I walk out and make the short drive to Ali's. I'm at her house by 12:28. I walk up to her house and ring the doorbell. Should I just walk in? Before I can decide, Ali's dad answers.

"Hello Emily." He greets with a small smile.

I smile back politely. "Hi Mr. DiLaurentis."

"Alison's in her room." He says and moves out of the way so I can walk in.

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