Chapter 2: Nothing Serious

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Alison POV

I wake up to my phone ringing. Who calls me in the morning? I think and get giddy, hoping it's Emily. I reach over and the screen reads Hanna. Why is Hanna calling at 9:30 in the morning? I pick up and mumble a hello.

"Hey Ali, wanna go to the Brew for some chatting and coffee?" Hanna says. She's perky today.

"Since when have you become a morning person Han? And why the hell would you call me, you know I hate leaving the house before 11." I reply a little annoyed but with slight humor.

"Damn, I just wanted to talk with you. We haven't had a good chat since you got back and you got back a month ago." She says, sounding disappointed. I feel bad now.

"You're right Han, I'm sorry. See you at 10." I say while rolling out of bed.

"Yass Bitch! Blonde squad up." She says happily.

"Oh my god, see ya" I laugh into the phone before hanging up.

I walk over to my mirror and see how I look. I'm wearing sweats and a tank top. I keep my sweatpants, slide on a white t-shirt and put tan Ugg boots on. I look in the mirror and realise I still have some make up on from last night. I decide to keep it on and pull my hair up into a messy bun. It's almost 10 in the morning so my appearance doesn't really concern me right now. I look at my phone, its 9:45. I get a little sad that Emily hasn't texted then realise she doesn't get up until like 10:30-11. She is a late sleeper. I grab my keys and money while heading out, leaving a note for Jason.

I pull up to the Brew at 9:55. I walk in and head to Hanna sitting in a small, two-person booth. We make small talk until the waitress comes and takes our orders of coffee.

"So.." Hanna starts. "How was your night? Looks like you were out."

I look at her quizzically. "How can you tell I was out?" I question.

"Because, I'm queen of romance. So, is he cute?" She raises her eyebrow with a small smile.

The waitress gave us our lattes and I waited for her to leave before I started. "Um, yes. The person is definitely cute." I say with a smile.

"I knew it! You were out on a date!" She squeals while clapping "Do I know him? Is it Noel Khan?" She blurts out.

I smile knowing its not a boy and definitely not Noel Khan. "Okay yes, you know the person and it is not Noel."

"Well then, who the hell is it?! Will you tell me?" She begs. I shake my head and her eyes light up. "Emily!" She yells while grabbing her phone. My heart beat picks up and I'm sure a blush is visible.

"What?" I ask, pretending to be confused.

"You and Emily are close as can be, I'll ask her who you went on a date with." She replies while dialing and putting her on speaker.

"Hey Han." Emily mumbles into the phone, she just woke up.

"Hey Em, I heard Ali went on a date with someone last night. You know who?" Hanna asked impatiently.

I just sip on my latte and wait for her to reply. I don't know if she'll say or play dumb and I'm not sure which one I want her to do.

"Um I'm not sure who, didn't even know she left the house last night" Emily replied in a rush.

"Bitch, look you know who she went out with, you're an awful liar and I'm coming to your house in 30." Hanna said slightly raising her voice and hanging up. "God damn Ali, why won't you tell me, it was just a date. It's nothing serious." She said irritated.

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