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She - Harry Styles


My shout only distracts her, and Vanessa slams the book against the side of her head before she can register the attack.

Sofia falls limp, and Brody is moving before I can, grabbing Sofia before Vanessa can. Chris is next, latching onto Vanessa who is still screaming at Sofia's limp body.

I stalk toward her, my eyes trained on her as I attempt to simmer down the anger burning in me.

"How'd you get in?" I demand and she looks up at me, spitting blood at my shoes.

"She let me in." She smiles disgustingly. "No one told me she could fight. I would've put a fucking bullet in her if I knew she'd put up a fight."

My hands itch to reach out and grab her throat, and squeeze until she blue and lifeless.

"Fuck, fuck," I turn my head, watching Brody cradle Sofia's body. "I'll kill you." His eyes are dark, and for a moment I think he's glaring at me, but realize he's talking to Vanessa. "I swear to god, I will."

"Not before I kill her."

"Get her out of here, and pay her Dad a visit." I order Chris, who tightens his hold on Vanessa, nodding and pulling her out of the front door and my line of sight. "Call the doctor. I want her here in ten."

Gabe is immediately pulling out his phone, and I go to Brody's side, kneeling down.

He allows me to touch her, assessing the damage and relief floods through me when I see it isn't anything fatal.

She put up a good fight

Good girl.

"The hit wasn't hard enough to be fatal," Brody tells me. "Minor concussion at most." I stand up, taking her with me. "I'll grab the kit-"

He's cut of by a loud alarm, and my eyes widen as the fire alarms begin going wild, and I only now register the smoke filling the room and the disgusting burnt smell in the air.

Gabe rushes into the kitchen, and I carefully lay her on the couch, before following. He pulls four pans out of the oven, and I examine the counterspace.

"She was baking?"

"She bakes when she's bored," Brody murmurs from behind us. "Where's the doctor, Gabe?"

"On her way. She'll be here soon." He assures us. "If I ask her to rebake the cakes when she wakes up, am I-"

"An asshole, yes." Brody cuts him off with an eyeroll.



The doctor leaves after assuring us Sofia's injuries were minor, the cuts would heal up and there was no concussions for us to be weary of us. She should wake up on her own soon.

Brody and I are seated in my room where I'd laid Sofia in the bed to rest, while Gabe went to assist Chris with the Vanessa situation.

"This si your fault," He tells me, a glare settling on his face. "I told you it would happen."

I didn't disagree.

I didn't think it would happen so quickly, though. But I should've known, Vanessa doesn't fuck around. When she feels threatened, she just acts, not a single thought behind it.

Especially coming for one of my own, she didn't think this through. She'll realize that when I'm picking her apart piece by fucking piece for laying a hand on Sofia.

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