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"Sofia! Get the fuck up!"

A short gasp leaves my lips when my blankets are snatched off, exposing me to the cold air of my bedroom. I open my eyes, just barely catching the glare from Mama before she stomps out of my room in annoyance.

I mentally thank the universe she wasn't angry as I sit up, getting out of bed and letting out a long yawn as I trudge to the bathroom.

Once Ive showered and one everything that's necessary in the bathroom, I walk out in my bra and underwear and go to my vanity. I quickly moisturize with my favorite lotion, mixing it with a bit of aquafor to my skin from getting dry throughout the day, then going to my closet.

It takes about three minutes before I find what I wanna wear, slipping on the dress with a smile and examining myself in the mirror.

"So pretty," I murmur quietly, touching the bottom of the dress lightly.

My dad got me this one. It's one of my favorites, but I don't wear it often. So it doesn't get worn out, you know?

Today feels like an acceptable day to wear it, though. It's a gorgeous day, so wouldn't I want to wear a beautiful dress?

I go back into my bathroom, grabbing my hair oil and applying it to my roots and ends, then grabbing my favorite curl cream and applying it carefully throughout my hair.

I decide i'll let it air dry for the day, washing the product off my hands before grabbing my strawberry pound cake perfume and spraying it all over, then setting it on my counter so I can take it with me.

Once i'm finally finished, I grab my tote bag that matches my dress and make sure I have everything, before finally grabbing my phone, headphones, and keys and leaving my room.

I walk down the stairs quietly, letting out a deep breath when I don't see Mama anywhere. I carefully peek out of the front window, almost smiling when I realize that she's gone, but quickly stopping myself.

I open the fridge and take out two bottles of water, putting one in my bag and opening the other. I look in the pot on the stove, smiling a bit when I realize she's made Pazole.

Quickly, I set my water and bag down, grabbing a bowl and simultaneously taking my phone out to text Phoebe.

Me: Mama made Pazole. Do you want some?
Phoebs: She did????
Phoebs: Yes, ofc !!!
Me: Okay☺️ See you soon <3

I set my phone down, grabbing a plastic leftover bowl and filling it with the amazing smelling soup, before putting a lid on and grabbing a plastic spoon.

Mama only noticed when the glass dishes and regular silverware is gone. So, if I eat my Pazole quick enough and wash all my dishes then put them back, she can't get mad at me.

I hope..

A familiar horn honks outside, and I quickly finish washing my bowl and spoon before grabbing the container of Pazole and my bag, then rushing outside.

"Buenos Dias!" I smile, sitting down and buckling up before setting the Pazole on my lap.

"You seem happy this morning." Phoebe says with a smile. "Mom's not home, is she?"

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