The Fight

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Mia stays off school since her father doesn't want her near Aidan after what happened.. Although it's been a few days since that event in her dads office and Mia has not been told anything about what's happening or why it's taking so long

Mia Is in her room laying down on her bed reading a book. She always loved reading books it's also something her mother liked doing so her father thinks that's where she gets it.

She soon finished the book since she had been reading it for so long and then she sits up and walks out of her room into the long hallway.. The windows are tall and the sun shines right through. Mia walks down the stairs and knocks on her dad's office and once she heard his deep "come in" she enters

"Hi daddy.. Are you busy?" he was in the middle of having a meeting with a few people and he sighs. "yes honey.. What you want will have to wait"

Mia frowns and nods before walking back out.. Even for this mansion having so many people living in it because of the mafia she still feels lonely....

She was about to head back upstairs when she hears something in the living room. Mia walks over and hides behind a wall and peeks out and looks.. Its Amelia. Why is she not at the meeting?

Amelia was sitting on the couch with her blazor and all she had was a shirt and tie on.. And trousers ofc it looked like she was just scrolling on her phone. when she suddenly speaks up

"you just gonna stand there and stare at me or are you actually going to come in?"

Mia was a bit surprised she even knew she was there... She steps forward slowly and looks at her feet shyly... "im sorry im just.. Why aren't you at the meeting?"

"Oh that meeting.. That's just a meeting between a few mafia bosses.. No big deal" she holds her class of water by the rim of her cup and drinks it

Mias eyes widen when she hears this
"but why? " Mia tilts her head confusingly. Amelia shrugs.
"I think it's something to do with the agreement they had.."

"What was that?"

"it's not important.." she takes another drink
"come, sit" she pats the seat next to her

Mia Is a bit hesitant at first since what her father said to her about Amelia.. But for some reason she feels like she can trust her... She sits on the spot next to her but feels a bit awkward

"So what did this boy do to you anyway?" Amelia asks while looking at her with her sharp eyes..

"Did my father not tell you?"

"no he just said 'there's a boy I need you to kill' and that's it"

"wait..did you say kill?" Her eyes widen and she looks at her with scared and nervous eyes

Amelia sighs.. She should've known a girl who was literally cradling a teddy while she was sad wouldn't have known about this "yes he did.."

Mia has known her dad has killed people for ages but when it's over her.. She just can't take it
"Please don't kill him.. Just beat him up or something but don't kill him" she says softly and looks down at her knees

Amelia just looks at her and doesn't reply she just keeps drinking her drink and takes a few seconds to say something "so back to the question.. What did he do?"

Mia looks a little sad again and sighs
"I confessed I liked him and he rejected me but not only that he made fun of me because I have social anxiety. He was so mean... " she hugs herself

Amelia sets the empty glass on the coffee table infront of them and leans back and grabs the tv remote "Well he clearly is an ass hole.."
She says while watching the tv

Marks office door opens and and both Mafia leaders step out and leave the mansion.. Then Mark calls for his daughter to come to his office.

Mia stands up and turns around at Amelia and smiles.
"I'll see you later"

Amelia looks at her before nodding and grin

(I'm gonna skip what Mia needs her dad for she only wanted him to get her more books lol.)

A few hours later Amelia and Mark are driving towards Aidans house.. "so your saying that Aidan doesn't even live at twinbrook?" Amelia asks in her calm tone.. She's wearing a black and white suit and so is mark

"Yes.. That twinbrook house is a set up and Aidans family is part of another mafia organisation. The macereves."

"But how did you find this all out?"

"that meeting I had with those mafia leaders. One of them told me they are enemy's with the macereves and they found all this information out months ago but they have been waiting for the perfect time to strike.. Since these guys are one of the biggest mafias in the country and they are very dangerous so the 3 of us are joining together to take these bastards down..."
Mark says calmly but you can tell how annoyed he is by the way his face looks.

"this isn't only about what happened to your daughter.. Is it?"
Amelia looks at him with a bit of a surprised look.

"No.. They also murdered my wife..."

The limo drops them off at a gate.. A very tall one with a long road on the other side

"this is the place" mark says when he steps out of the limo.. Amelia steps out aswell and stands beside him and notices something.. A Camera.. She takes out a suppressed pistol from inside her blazor and shoots it, breaking it

"One of the other mafias are disabling the security systems to the whole house so we won't need to worry about them soon" Mark said. Amelia nods and puts the pistol back in side her blazor

After a few minutes Mark gets a phone call telling him the security systems are down and he's free to go in. He opens the gate slowly and nothing happens and he looks at Amelia and nods.. After that Amelia walks into the mansion grounds

"Take out whoever you see in the garden there will be a few other people from the other mafias helping.. And you are not to be seen.."

Amelia nods and looks back at the garden.. Its massive... There were large patches of grass and right in the middle there was a fountain.

Once the whole garden was wiped out Amelia calls Mark to tell him and then Mark knocks on the mansions front door and holds his pistol up.. The door opens and Mark shoots the person behind it and then that set off the whole mansion... Within just a few minutes there was brutal fighting everywhere and gunshots can be heard.

Amelia is upstairs looking for Aidans room when she gets to this one room she opens the door slowly and sees him behind it. She aims her gun at his head "Hands up and turn around slowly"

Aidan quickly puts his hands up and turns around slowly "you even look like an asswhole" Amelia says and glares at him.

"who are you and why are you here!?"

"who I am won't matter once I'm done with you"

"What are you gonna do? Shoot me? Pfft yea right.. As if you. A girl would be able to kill me"

Amelia chuckles and smirks evily before throwing the pistol to the ground. "oh you really don't know who your messing with.." Aidan raises his eyebrow once he sees her throw the pistol to the ground

"Your gonna fight me? Oh don't make me laugh.." he smirks and gets ready to fight. Amelia keeps her eyes narrowed and walks closer to him.

Aidan throws the first punch and Amelia steps to the side, blocks it and kicks him the ribs causing him to grunt and grabs his stomach but Amelia upper cuts his jaw and grabs him by the collar and pulls his face really close to her. She says in a really evil tone

"I'm gonna have some fun with you.."

Thanks for reading! This ones a bit longer than the others and it was really hard to come up with the story😭 anyways bye!

1394 words

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