Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

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Mark Reid.. A tall, handsome, quite ruthless, scary looking man... Atleast to others... To his daughter he was like a big teddy bear on the inside... Mia was his most precious possession.. He would choose her over all the money in the world. He already lost his wife If anything were to happen to his daughter he doesn't know what he would do with himself...

For being an 18 year old Mia was quite childish..

"daaaad.." she drags out "can I stay off school today?"

It was 8:00 in the morning and Mark has been trying to get his daughter up for the past 30 minutes. She was not a morning person at all.

"no sweetie, I let you stay off yesterday.. Not today.."

Mia just groans and doesn't respond

Mark sighs "get up or im taking away the Nintendo switch.." Mia gasps at that.. "no! Tom nook needs me daddy, you can't do that to me!"

Mark has no idea what she's talking about and rolls his eyes "idc get up now"

"ughh fine!" she sits up and crosses her arms in a huff.

Mark kisses her head "good girl now get dressed and meet me downstairs for breakfast"

Mia has a grumpy look on her face as she watches her dad leave the room. She walks over to her walk in closet and wonders what to wear.. She soon settles on the perfect outfit.

It took Mia a whole 30 minutes for her to get dressed and downstairs. She's wearing...

(this is probably how I'm gonna show all their outfits since Im literally am so bad with fashion😭💀)

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(this is probably how I'm gonna show all their outfits since Im literally am so bad with fashion😭💀)

Once she's downstairs she notices that alot of people are in her dad's office and she notices someone in particular... A girl, quite tall and well built but she cant really see her face. She tries to get a closer look but someone closes his office door before she can get closer.

"damn it..."

Mark comes up behind her with a man and a woman at each side of him "honey your limo is outside i have to deal with something important"

Mia sighs and nods "ok dad.. Ill see you when I get home.."

She walks out to her limo and sees her driver Jarold and gets in he is a thin man at average height and looks to be around his 40s.

Jarold opens the door for her "good morning miss Mia"

Mia smiles at him "goodmorning Jarold" she gets in the limo she sits down on the seat and checks her phone "no texts.. Like usual"

"where to miss?"

Mia chuckles "come on jarold I'm gonna be late"

He chuckles."I'm just messing with ya"

Mia roll her eyes playfully and smiles while looking out the window.

The drive to school was only about 10 minutes although Mia always gets jarold to park around the corner from her school so her schoolmates don't question how she is able to get to school in a limo.. She doesn't want to tell them her dad is a mafia boss plus she's a bad liar so she couldn't even lie about it! So she just keeps it a secret.

Mia hated school.. Not because she was bullied and all that but because she's very lonely... She gets extremely shy around people that it feels like she just lost her voice and nervous in big crowds. That's just how it is when you have social anxiety.

There is one reason why she likes going tho.. She hears a familiar voice around the corner of the hallway and her heart gets butterflies. Just listening to him... "so what we doing for lunch?" the voice asks his friend.

"fucking eating you dumbass" his friend replied and laughs.

Mia takes a deep breath in and turns the corner and there he is.. She might have never talked to him but boy is he handsome.. His jawline.. Bro has been mewing from 900bc. His hair his muscles... God any girl would fall for him.

Mia takes a box of chocolates out of her bag and walks up to him. "ahem!"
She says and he turns to face her and so does his friend.

"yo Aidan who's this chick?" his friend says.

Aidan shrugs and looks down at her and makes eye contact with her "what do you want?" he's says rudely.

Mia is a bit hurt by his rude tone but him making eye contact with her makes her stumble with her words and her hands start shaking "u-um I got y-y-you t-these" she says nervously and holds out the box infront of him. His friend starts laughing.... And so does he..

You really think im gonna take chocolates from a girl that can barely speak! Haha! Don't make me laugh"

Mia gasps under her breath and feels her heart shatter into a million pieces.. She tears up and her lip quivers.

He slaps the box of chocolates out of her hands to the ground and they all fall out everywhere "I need me a confident girl not a girl that can't even talk properly"

he chuckles and his friend pats him on the back "good one.."

Mia bends down and picks up the chocolates... She doesn't know why she's doing that since you can't eat them now clearly. Maybe she's trying to find anything to distract herself from breaking down in the middle of the school hallway..

Aidan stomps on some of the chocolate pieces and laughs while walking away with his friend "pathetic.."

Mia is left sitting on the ground and tears start to spill from her eyes. "why... Why..." her voice breaks while she says that so she stands up and runs to the janitors closet and hides in there... She slides down the wall and pulls her knees to her chest and cries her eyes out.. "I'm so pathetic.. I cant even talk to people normally... Hes right about me... Who could ever love me when I'm so awkward and shy"

The last time Mia felt like this was when her mom died.. She feels like her world is crashing down on her and she has no way to stop it...

"what is wrong with me..."

Thanks for reading the first part! I'll try make part 2 as soon as i can

1060 words

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