The Dance

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Amelias pov

Friday is here. I assume boss is going to assign me to guard the front entrance of the house since I've done this every year since I've worked for him. I'm getting dressed in my black suit with my hair tied up in a bun and a handgun in my inside pocket so no one notices it.

I haven't seen Mia all day, it's the first we've been apart for so long and why does it have to be this hard? I just can't wait to see her. Unfortunately that probably won't be until the party starts.

I walk out of the dressing room I was in and walk to the top of the stairs. The party starts in a half hour and I look down the hallway that leads to Mias room, knowing that's where she is getting ready. Without realising I take a few steps towards her door wanting to see her so badly but then someone pulls me to the side. It was Andrew.

"Yo Amelia, how's it going?" He pulls me away from Mias door for some reason as I try to look back at it but Andrew brings me downstairs.

"Uh everything's good Andrew... Wait. Why are you here so early?" I look at him confused but he just shrugs.
"Emily, Mia and cara are getting ready together and Emily dragged me along. You know girls" he rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles before I  hit his chest. "Shut up, I am one" I say in between a laugh.

Andrew is the first friend I've had in a long time and I don't know what I'd do without him. Yes he's a pain in the ass at times but he's cool.

"nice suit by the way and this place Mias dad rented out for the party is awesome." Andrew looks around the room with sparkles in his eyes. I look at him and chuckle nervously. "Yea!...rented.."

As we wait for the party to get ready me and Andrew sit at a table in the large room talking.

"So how did you and Emily meet?" I ask him while leaning back on my chair.
"We met in freshman year." he's says and takes a drink of his beer. Did I mention we were drinking?

"freshman year huh. Must've been love at first sight." I elbow his arm and teases him.

"no, we hated eachother at first" he chuckles nervously.

My eyes widen. "Really? Fuck sake Andrew what did you do to her" I sigh and face palm. Andrew rolls his eyes. "Nah I didn't do anything. I accidentally spilled water on her in science class and tried to apologise but she kept going on and on about how she only got the shirt yesterday."

I chuckle. Yep that sounds like Emily. "Sometimes I wonder how you 2 even got together."

Andrew smirks and crosses his arms. "Well it was on a school trip and the school got Emily in the wrong room and put her with me. I think you can guess the rest." he says proudly.

"Sounds like a cheesy enemies to lovers story."

Andrew scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Oh shut up, our love story's alot better than you and Mias." He smirks.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Atleast me and Mias love story is not a slow burn."

"Atleast me and Emily's have twists"

"Atleast Me and Mias is more wholesome"


"You 2 seriously cannot be arguing about eachothers love story's." Andrew gets cut off by his Girlfriend, Emily who is wearing.

Andrew looks at her and blushes

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Andrew looks at her and blushes. "You look..." he says in a soft voice while staring at her. He's probably seen her lots of times all dressed up but she still manages to fluster him.

"Stunning? I know baby.." she sits down beside him and kisses his cheek causing Andrew to redden even more. I smirk knowing I will tease him about this later.

"Hey guys." I hear a female voice and look over to see Cara who's wearing

" I hear a female voice and look over to see Cara who's wearing

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(Remember her hair is red)

"Hey cara" we all say. I was expecting Mia to be with her but apparently not.

"Is Mia not with you?" I ask in a confused tone.
"No she's still getting ready in the dressing room. She should be down when the party starts." Cara sits down beside Emily.

"dressing room huh.." I say, knowing it's actually Mias room she's talking about. "Maybe I should go check on her." I stand up and was about to walk off but all 3 of them stop me. "No! She's.. Busy at the moment. How about another drink?" Emily asks me and smiles. I raise my eyebrow before sighing and giving in. "Fine."

Guests start arriving soon after and I'm standing at the front Entrance. I'm sure my friends are wondering why but it's not like I can tell them 'I'm working for a mafia and therefore have to do this'.

That was until boss came over to me and asked. "What are you doing here?" I look at him with confusion. "uhh guarding the front entrance? Isn't that my job?"

"No, not this year. Your Mias new bodyguard, your supposed to watching over her." He folds his arms.
"Oh. Right sorry boss my mistake. But who's guarding the entrance then?"

"Ill figure it out just go find Mia. She's more important."

I nod and walk off into the crowd and start to look for her. Cara said she would be down when the party started so she has to be here somewhere.

That's when Emily Cara Joseph (who just arrived) and Andrew grabbed me and dragged me somewhere. "wha- guys what are you doing? I gotta find Mia" they just kept dragging me.
"Just follow us" I sigh before giving in and wondering where they are taking me.

They brought me to the bottom of the mansion stairs and I look at them with confusion. "Um what are you?" I say before seeing something shine from the corner of my eye.

That's when I look up and I see the most beautiful woman I've ever seen... Wearing a long puffy Red dress that sparkles with every light but not as much as her eyes. The whole room goes silent as their eyes cannot leave her sight. Neither can I. She walks down the stairs as she looks so flawlessly graceful as if she was a princess and to me, she is. After a few moments a few eyes turn away but mine does not leave her.. They can't. "Wow.." I whisper under my breath.

Once Mia makes it to the bottom she smiles shyly and looks at me with her puppy eyes. "Do you like it?" she looks so cute, I just can't get over the fact that this goddess looking woman is mine.

"You look gorgeous my love..." I put my hands on her waist and pull her closer to me, unable to keep my hands off her. She giggles and wraps her arms around my shoulders before whispering. "you do realise my dad could spot us..." crap I forgot about that. My grip on her waist tightens before I whisper back. "Well if your going to look like that idk if i can keep my hands off you.." Mia blushes and and looks down shyly. "Your such a tease"

Thank for reading!

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