Photo Book

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Mark's pov

I was in my office writing down important notes. The only sound in the room is my pen sliding across the paper and a clock ticking on the wall.. I liked the silence. It calmed me, especially with everything that goes on in my life.

The next thing I know there's a knock at my door. I sit up straight and put serious expression on my face before speaking. "Come in"

My assistant Julia comes in with a pile of papers in her hands. "Sir the invitations you asked me to print out, where should I put them?" I sigh and and lean my eldow against my desk

"Just set them on my desk"

Julia then walks over and sets them down. She then offers me coffee and ofc i take the offer. I'm a bit tierd so I need the energy. Once Julia leaves the room I pick up one of the invasions and read it.

'You are invited to: The Rieds dance/ball.'

I have this dance on every year for my wife's birthday. Well it was Mias idea. She said its a good way to relieve my stress from all this mafia business and to celebrate her mothers birthday. God I miss her... And even though I have avenged her death of her killers it still doesn't take away the pain of her not being here.

I open my drawer and take out a book that's titled 'Memories' and open it. I sit back on my chair and open the first page. It was a picture of Mia and Eleanor. Mia had only been born at the time so Eleanor had Mia wrapped up in a white blanket in her arms while she layed in a hospital bed. Even with Eleanor being so tierd looking and her hair all messy she still looked as beautiful as I remember.

There was more pictures and they were mostly of Mia in her early years. One where she took her first steps, another where her face was covered with her baby food all over. I laugh at that. One were Mia was on a little pink trike with ribbons on the handles out in our front garden. I remember that, we got her that for her 4th birthday.

I turn the page and there is a picture of me and Mia where I was holding her upside down and she was laughing. We both were. I smile to myself. I dont know if it's a sad smile or a happy smile... I miss these times alot but ever since Eleanor died we haven't really spent that much time together. Maybe it's because she's getting old? Oh who am I kidding... The girls 18 and still loves teddy bears. Can't be that.

Then Julia walks in and sets down the coffee on my desk and nods. "your coffee sir" she says before walking out of the office. I take a sip and taste the bitter sweet satisfaction on my lips.

After a while of looking through old photos I see one with me Eleanor and Mia all at the restaurant we used to go to ever Saturday. You called it 'The Chester'. God we haven't went near that place in so long.

Then I got an idea.

Mias pov


I shake my head no nervously but she grabs my chin and makes me look up at her. God those eyes... They are so beautiful.... She's so beautiful. I cant help but look down at her lips but quickly back at her eyes repeatedly.

I wanna kiss her..

Right before our lips touch I hear a knock on my door which makes both of us pull away quickly. My face is now beetroot red and I'm pretty sure hers is to.

"Um, who is it?" I call out.

Ughhhh we almost kissed! I wish we did... I mean i dont! Or do I? Idk.. Its not just our first kiss it's MY first kiss. How do I know I'm ready?

"Um sweetie.. Can i come in?" I hear my dad say.

Oh shit it's my dad. I look over at Amelia and yep, I was right, she is blushing like crazy. She looks at me nervously before quickly standing up and standing in a 'intimidating' Stance. Ofc i dont find it intimidating. Shes just like a big teddy bear on the inside to me..

"uhh yea dad come in!"

He walks in and spots Amelia. He also tries to look intimidating infront of her. Again, a big teddy bear on the inside to me.

"Amelia, I would like to talk to my daughter alone." he says and Amelia nods and says "Yes boss" before walking towards the door but when she walks past him he gives her a funny look... (Not actually funny just.. A surprised look)

He shakes his head before walking over to me and i stand up and look up at him. His tall figure towering over mine. "What do you need daddy?" I ask and tilt my head.

He smiles down at me "Do you remember that old restaurant me and your mother used to take you to?"

Strange that he brought this up. I nod and put my hands behind my back "Yes, but I can't remember the name of it. Why?"

"It was called the chester and I was wondering if you would like to go there for dinner like old times."

I smile up at him and nod. "Sure, I would like that. Maybe it can distract me from-" I cut myself off and blush before looking down at the ground nervously.

I can feel my dad's stare on me before he speaks in a suspicious tone. "Disract you from what?"

"Nothing! Let's just get going!" I say trying to change the subject before walking quickly towards my bedroom door.

"uh princess."


He points at my clothes and I realise I'm still in my pyjamas. I chuckle softly a bit embarrassed and walk over to my walk in closet.

"Right silly me"

Thanks for reading!

1036 words

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