The Mall

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Mias pov

I haven't really been talking to my dad that much. It's kinda reminding me of what happened when I was 13 and I do not like it.. Yes I miss him and I wish i could forgive him but he hasn't even apologised after doing the one thing I didn't want him doing. Killing... Dont get me wrong. I love him. He's my dad and he always will be but I just wish he didn't solve everything with killing... And i hate to admit it but it did solve the problem... Part of it... Aidans not dead so who knows where he is..

To take my mind off things I've asked my new bodyguard to take me to the mall to just.. Go on a shopping spree I guess? And yes I know I said I didn't want a bodyguard and all that but for some reason Amelia being my bodyguard makes it a bit better since as my dad said she is 'the most loyal mafia member in the organisation'.

.... Or maybe because I feel comfortable around her..

Amelia is wearing her black suit and her hair tied up in a pony tail while I'm wearing..

With my blonde hair down and wavy

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With my blonde hair down and wavy.

My driver Jarold is taking us to the mall ofc while me and Amelia sit in the back i sit on the left side while Amelia is on the right. "Um.. thanks for that hug yesterday. I really needed it" I say while looking at her and smiling.

She looks at me and raises her eyebrow. "your welcome. But you've said thank you about 100 times by now" she says with a straight face. I blush. I didn't realise how many times I've actually thanked her. "y-yes I know I have but it felt nice. You know?" I say nervously. Feeling a little embarrassed that I look away from her and put my hands on my lap.

Amelia smiles finally breaking that straight face she always has and says with a bit of a teasing tone in her voice."your cute." My blush deepens and my eyes widen. Did I hear that right!? I mean she said it so softly that maybe it was something else.... Right? "um w-what was that?" I say, pretending I didn't hear her but the nervous tone of my voice states that I did in fact hear her.

She just smirks and shrugs before looking away out her window. "just forget about it"

How am I supposed to forget about it!? Ugh maybe it was something else.. Idk this girl is making my brain and my tummy hurt... Dont know the reason to that tho..


Once we get to the mall there's is all sorts of shops to choose from. Clothes, shoes, jewelery, make up, You name it and it's there. I drag Amelia excitedly to a clothes shop first and pick out anything that I see which is nice.. Which is almost everything... Oh and btw i also hand everything to Amelia since she offered to carry the bags and ofc i said no at first but she insisted.

"This is cute" I say looking down at a white crop top and put it in the bag Amelias holding. She's just following me around the shop like a lost puppy.

"do you really need all this stuff?" I hear her ask and I look at her and nod and cross my arms "ofc i do! You never know what event could come up for the perfect outfit~" I grin and turn back around and look through the clothes.

I find a dress that is just so cute I can't wait to try it on. Amelia follows me over to the changing rooms as I quickly go into one of the cuticals and get changed after a few minutes I come out wearing a red skin tight dress with red high heels on.

"What do you think?" I look at Amelia and put my hands behind my back shyly and bite my lip nervously.

Amelia stares at me and puts her hand over her mouth and looks away. "Um it looks g-great..." she says in a nervous tone and I giggle and smile at her with a slight blush on my cheeks before walking towards her. Seeing her get nervous just made all my shyness wash away. "Aww did I make someone nervous~" I say in a teasing tone and she backs up until she hits a wall. "N-no ofc not" She says trying so hard to hide her nervous tone.

Once I get right infront of her I smirk and look up at her with narrowed eyes. "Are you sure..? Because I think i did..". She just looks at me and gulps I stand there smirking at her for a few seconds before I take a step back and giggle. "Who's the cute one now~". Amelia just rolls her eyes and sighs but I can see a bit of a grin on the edge of her lips. "oh shut up and just get changed"

After about 10 more minutes we finally check out and I pay for it out of my credit card and leave the shop.

"Don't you want to buy anything?" I ask Amelia feeling a little guilty since I'm getting things and she's not getting anything.

She looks at me and shakes her head. "no ma'am, i dont need anything. I'm only here to protect you remember" for some reason those words hurt.. She's only with me because she's my bodyguard. If she wasn't she would probably be off doing some important mission for my dad but she's here with me. And by the look on her face she's not enjoying herself. I look down sadly and nod before mumbling. "OK.."

Amelias pov

I hate shopping. I always have. When I was a kid my mom would always bring me out to get new clothes for special occasions. Although tbh I'm actually enjoying myself this time... When that thing on the changing rooms happened I swear Mia looked drop dead gorgeous and ti have her flirt with me like that just made me so nervous I nearly died.

As I'm looking at her I can't resist that pout and the puppy eyes she's doing with that sad look on her face. It must be because she feels guilty. I sigh and look infront of me. "Fine, I'll get one thing but that's it..." I say with a low tone and roll my eyes. Mia looks up at me and her face brightens up and she looks at me with excited eyes.

"yay! So where do you want to go?" she says with a smile on her face. "Well I could use a new Blazor.. This one is a bit ripped on the sleeves" I show her my sleeve and she holds it and looks at the rip. "Alright ik just the place follow me"

We walk into a shop that is filled with suits and we go over to my size and look for a black one to match the rest of my suit obviously. "You know I'm buying it for you" I hear her say and my head snaps in her direction. What? No way. I dont need you to do that. I'll buy it myself" I say but she shakes her head and crosses her arms. "nope I'm buying it as a thanks for carrying my bags for me and that's final"

I sigh but a slight smile curves up on my lips as I look back at the Blazors and look through them. "Fine, but just this once" she smiles proudly, obviously satisfied that she got her way once again with me.

I pick out a new Blazor that looks almost identical to my last one and walk with her to the cash register. "you know i could have just gotten this one stitched if I wanted to"

"yes you could've but getting a new whole Blazor is just better" Mia says and takes out her credit card and pays for the Blazor. The shop keeper folds the Blazor neatly and puts it in a bag and smiles at us "Have a nice day" He says and I nod while Mia says it back and we both walk out of the shop.

"Um Amelia?" I hear her say and I look at her with a straight face although she's looking at something infront of her and her face looks scared. "Yes Mia?"

"Who are they?" She points and I look at where she is pointing and it's 3 large men looking in our direction and my eyes widen and I immediately put my hand on her shoulders and turn her body around and make her walk in the opposite direction. "Don't say anything.. Just act casual.."

Mia nods but I feel her tense up when she feels my hands on her shoulders.

"OK.. I will"

Thanks for reading! Oh yea and I decided to change the name of the story and the cover since it was a bit too long and the cover was the same as my pfp💀 anyways byeee

1537 words

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