Our Little Secret

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Amelias pov

Ever since me and Mia got together we haven't been more happier. Well atleast I haven't. I really, really like Mia and don't want to mess this up.

Mia is an amazing girl. I would do anything to keep her happy. She's cute, funny, smart and not to mention beautiful!

The only thing is we gotta keep the whole thing a secret otherwise her father will find out.. But if im being honest I feel kinda bad keeping all this from him. Hes done alot for me over the years like train me up (even though I didn't need it but it still helped) gave me food and water and a roof over my head.. But even after all that his daughter is his most prized possession and he's Very protective over her. So God knows what he would do to me if he found out we were going out.

Me and Mia are in her room, on her couch watching Titanic which I'll admit I've never seen it. Mia however, has seen it a thousand times. We are snuggled up together wrapped in a blanket while she holds her teddy. She's so adorable

"I can't believe you have never watched this movie.. Its like my favourite!" Mia exclaims. I shrug. "Do I need to?"

"yes, now your not allowed to get off this couch until you've watched the whole thing" she orders and I chuckle and smirk at her. "what if i need the bathroom?" she narrows her eyes at me. "Well ofc you can leave the couch for that but you know what i mean" I laugh and look at the tv where the movie is only starting.

After a few minutes we are at the part where rose steps out of the car and we see her for the first time. The first thing that comes out of my mouth was "She's hot." Mia looks at me and raises her eyebrow. "Oh so she's hotter than me?" my eyes widen and I look at her with a regretful look. "Wait, no i didnt mean it like that it's just-" I get cut off with her laughing and smirking at me. "Your so fun to tease. I was kidding ofc she's hot." she says before looking back at the tv and picking up a handful of popcorn and eating them.

I stare at her with wide eyes before narrowing my them at her and reaching over and grabbing a handful of popcorn out of her tub." hey! You have your own!" She pulls the popcorn away from me and sets it on her opposite side. God she's doing that pouty face again...

"That's what you get for tricking me. Plus I finished mine." I chuckle and show her my empty tub of popcorn. She look a little shocked and shakes her head slowly. "How!? The movie just started!" she exclaims. "What can I say? I like popcorn so can you share with me."

She shakes her head and keeps the tub to herself. "Nope this is what you get"

By the time jack and rose met when she tried to jump off the back of the ship she gave in and let me have some of her popcorn. That didn't last long but I'm grateful she gave me share ofc.

We are now at the part where they leave a handprint on the car window (iykyk) and let me just say. Ive never felt so awkward. We JUST got together and here we are already watching these kinda scenes. "Shit how could i forget about this part.." I hear Mia mumble under her breath. "I can just skip this if you want" She grabs the controller but she doesn't let me answer and just skips it anyway.

It's been over 2 hours and idk how Mia has sat through this movie this many times but if im being honest, I'd probably watch this movie a thousand times just to see Mia smile. Too bad she's not. We are now at the famous door scene and Mia is crying beside me and i wrap my arms around her shoulders and pull her in for. A comforting hug and smile. "they were so happy together and this just has to happen" Mia says in a weak voice. Ngl she's cute likes this. Oh fuck at this point I find everything about her cute.

"Don't worry Mia, it's just a movie. It's not real" I say softly and stroke her hair. She cries while still watching the movie and when it ends she clings onto my shirt and lay her head on my shoulder. Jesus, this really upset her. "remember she dies at the end so.. They are together again" She giggles softly at my poor attempt at cheering her up and she smiles softly. "Yea I guess your right." she kisses my cheek....

SHE KISSED MY CHEEK. How in the hell am i gonna survive going out with her if she makes me this nervous? God I think i just had about 10 heart attacks at once. Imagine what it will be like when we have our first kiss...

I'm blushing so much right now and I then hear a giggle coming out of Mias mouth. "aw you can't even handle a small kiss on the cheek~" she says teasingly. I roll my eyes playfully and grin. "Oh shush"

We decided to watch toy story after. Yes, I know from titanic to toy story. That's a big jump but i wanted to put on something with no sad scenes in it to help cheer her up.

"Don't worry, he never comes in here unless he needs to wake me up in the morning and last I checked it's not morning" Mia says assuringly, noticing how I keep looking over at her bedroom door anxiously incase her father came in.

"I know, but there's still a possibility" I look at her with worried eyes but she puts a hand on my cheek and smiles. "If it makes you feel better I can lock the door" I nod and she stands up and walks over to her bedroom door and locks it.

Mia giggles before jumping on to the couch and cuddles into me. I cuddle back of course and smile softly before stroking her hair. "Thank you, Baby."

Mia blushes and buries her head in my chest. "Your welcome" She says in a slight whisper.. God that voice is so cute I must have made her shy. "Are you blushing?" I chuckle and smirk while looking down at her.

Mia shakes her head and doesn't look up at me. I then grab her chin gently and make her look up at me. Her deep blue eyes look into mine and I can't help but say under my breath. "You look beautiful.." her blush deepens but her eyes move back and forth between my eyes and lips.. And before I know it we are both leaning in.

But then we hear a knock on her door..

Thanks for reading! I've been wondering do you guys want me to try make the parts longer? It's just alot has changed since I started this story and haven't really got the time to write it but I am trying! I turned 18 yesterday so now I'm officially a adult so yea. Don't feel a day over 17.

1181 words

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