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Amelias pov

Me and Mia are sitting with Emily and her friends in the cafeteria and I can't help but pull Mia in closer to me by the waist and narrow my eyes at Emily. (who isn't even looking her way she's too busy talking to her friends)

Mia has a slight blush on her face but I think she's used to it by now. I hold her like this alot when I feel protective, especially in school or in the limo.. "So are you 2 a thing or something?" I hear a male voice say. I look over and see a dark skinned boy with short hair looking at us. "don't be silly Joseph ofc they are together" Emily says while rolling her eyes. "I was just asking" he sighs and narrows his eyes at Emily then look back at Me and Mia waiting for a answer.

"So are you?"

We both shake our head no. "We are just friends." I say and I feel Mia flinch slightly at that sentence.. It got me thinking about something.. What if she does like me?

"Just friends?! You 2 have not been 2 feet away from eachother since you got here! How can you still be friends?" Emily exclaims with a shocked looked on her face. "um.. I guess we never talked about it?" Mia says softly while looking down shyly. Never talked about it? Is there something to talk about? Oh after this I gotta ask Mia TO talk about it.

"I mean it was the same with You and Andrew, Emily.. You 2 acted like a couple when you were 'just friends'" A Red headed girl says at the end of the table. "Heh.. I guess your right Cara..." Emily blushes while looking over at a brown haired boy sitting beside joseph and smiling. That must be Andrew... Omg wait Emily is taken... And i was getting mad over her being so close to My Mia... God I feel stupid I hope Mia didn't notice how Annoyed I was getting.

"Well she couldn't resist my charm even when we were just friends" Andrew says and smirks at his girlfriend. Emily rolls her eyes and smirks back. "Oh shush we both know you were the one who couldn't resist me" Andrew chuckles. "says the one who begs me to stay over at her house every night"

Oh wow.. That sentence means 2 things.. Either she wanted him to actually sleepover or.. Something else that ALSO involves them sleeping.

Emily looks at Andrew with a shocked face that says 'I cannot believe u just told them that' in which Andrew just smirks at her even widen.

Cara elbows Emily. "Wow Emily I didn't know you could be so needy" she says in a teasing voice. "Oh shut up Cara! It's not like that he just stays over. That's all." She crosses her arms.

"Oh really? Cause I'm pretty sure last week we-" Andrew gets cut off by Emily covering his mouth and saying in a dark tone. "Don't you dare." and with that, Andrew shuts up. Wow aren't they such a sweet couple.

So what I've learned is that Emily and Andrew are together. Emily and cara are best friends. Andrew and Joseph are best friends and they are all a friend group.

After lunch we say goodbye to them and me and Mia walk towards Class. However I can't help but think about what Mia said. 'We haven't talked about it' what did she mean by that? If we were just friends there would be nothing to talk about but if she said that then there definitely is.

"Mia. Can we talk?"

She looks at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and my heart can't help but melt. "About what?"

"About us."

She blushes and bites her lip before looking down shyly. God she so cute.. "OK.. But somewhere a little more private?" I nod and take her by the hand and lead into the janitors closet (tell ur dirty mind to be quiet cause it's wrong) and close the door.

Mias pov

It's happening.. I mean, I think it is.. Why else would she bring me in here to talk about 'us'. Well if im wrong I still need to tell her how I feel.

"Mia, what are we?"

That question.. Even idk the answer to it.. It doesn't even feel like we are just friends. Well it doesn't feel like that to me.. But with what she said earlier she probably thinks differently.

"We're friends."

That hurts to say.

"Im being serious Mia... When I said we were just friends, you flinched. Why did you do that?" She looks down at me with soft eyes and takes hold of both my hands. I blush but look up into her eyes and sigh. "The truth is Amelia I like you and I wanna be with you. I know your apart of my dad's Mafia but I don't care I can't control these feelings.. I like you so much it hurts and I wanna be with you."

That felt Amazing to get that out.. But i cant help but be scared of what she will say next.. Will she reject me? Have I got this situation wrong? Will she hate!?

Amelias pov

Wow.. Mia just confessed her feelings to me... I was right she does like me and guess what? I like her to.. I can tell she's nervous from her facial expression but even that is cute.

"I like you to Mia" I say softly. "God Mia, you have no idea how much I've fallen for you. Everytime I see you it feels like a rush off butterflies just fill my stomach all because I laid eyes on you. Your so cute, funny and Kind person. I cant help but fall for u more each day."

Mias Eyes brighten and she smiles widely. Relief washes over her face. "thank you Amelia.. So.. Are we official now?"

"Were girlfriends now Mia!" I can't contain my happiness. I smile brightly and wrap my arms around her and she hugs me back with the same amount of excitement. "You have no idea how long I've waiting to hear those words!" Mia says excitedly while hugging me.

I smile and lay my head ontop of hers and whisper against her hair.

"Me aswell.."

Thanks for reading! Finally they are together! And what do you guys think about Emily and her friends (and boyfriend) 🤔

1088 words

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