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Louis' POV

We picked up Perrie and drove to school; I really hope that this year turns out good. Not that our group of friends have anything to worry about really, we aren't bullied, most people like us, and Niall and I are known as the class clowns. We are always cheeky with the teachers but they love us so much that we never get told off, I think it's because Niall's Irish and I'm sassy. I have a nice bum too. I put the ass in sassy. Lol, get it? As I was saying, we get on okay at school, get okay grades, have fun with our friends and don't get into trouble a lot - kind of an average school life. Not that we are average at all, in fact Niall, Perrie and myself are the weirdest people I know, and just to emphasize that point, Niall is currently trying to eat cereal whilst driving - do not ask me where he gets his food from, I have no clue -, Perrie is rapping the Happy Birthday song and I am seeing how many jelly tots I can balance on my face. So far it's 10 but Niall keeps reaching over to eat them, stupid Leprechaun.

We pulled up outside school and Niall parked close to the entrance so we wouldn't have far to walk, I hopped out of the car followed closely by Perrie and Niall and we made our way into school and into our form room for registration.


"Yeah Per"

"Can you buy me a pet ostrich?"



"Fuck off!"


"Who says gasp?"

I rolled my eyes as I listened to the two of them bicker, this was going to be an interesting year if all they did was squabble. Just as I turned to see Perrie with Niall in a headlock, the bell went and the door swung open revealing our head teacher Mr Cowell

"Good morning Year 13, I trust that you had a good summer. This is your final year of school and I was just dropping by to wish you good luck with you learning, your exams, but most importantly good luck in finding yourselves. Thank you class"

And with that he just turned and left the room again. I groaned and pressed my face into the desk in front of me - it was too early in the morning for deep thoughts, especially about finding yourself! I already know who I am.

I am Louis, I am 17, crazy, cheeky, bubbly, friendly and gay... yeah I came out a couple of years ago and no one was surprised because with an arse like mine, there was no way I was straight. Before you ask NO I do not fancy Niall, nor have I ever fancied Niall. I haven't actually ever had a boyfriend so sometimes I feel a bit alone, but at least no one at this school bullies me! I am really lucky because in most other schools there are always bullies that beat up the gay kids and I don't think I could handle being bullied for being myself.

I really wish I had a gay friend because then I would have someone who really understood me, and we could talk to each other openly about it, not that I don't talk to Niall - he knows I am gay and accepts me but I wouldn't want to make him feel uncomfortable by going on about cute boys or anything, so I don't say anything about my sexuality.

"Loooouis! Loooooueeeehhh!"

I was snapped out of my daze by Niall appearing in front of my face and screaming my name - god that boy was loud.

"What?" I asked

"Mr Walshe got here about 5 minutes ago and he just said your name in the register but you didn't answer"

I looked over to the teacher's desk to see my tutor Mr Walshe sat there glaring at me

"I hope that you pay more attention when the other teachers are talking to you Tomlinson otherwise I fear you may not learn a thing this year" His voice dripping with anger - he was the only teacher in the whole school that couldn't stand my antics or charming abilities.

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