19. Even if I tried...

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Louis’ POV

My heart swelled with adoration for the boy, I reached for his hand and rubbed his knuckles gently with my thumb before whispered equally as softly in reply


He smiled weakly and tried to sit up but failing as he winced and groaned loudly, obviously in a lot of pain; I carefully pushed him back into a lying position making shushing sounds as I did. He started to whimper and his eyes scrunched shut as he lay there whilst his body started to shake due to the intensity of the pain.

“NURSE!” I called out frantically, still holding Harry’s hand “NURSE”

The nurse came rushing in and seeing what the problem was, disappeared for a few seconds before returning with a syringe. As she approached Harry, his eyes snapped open and he started to shake his head

“N-no w-what are you d-d-doing?” He stammered out, his ability to speak deteriorating the closer the nurse got to his arm, seeing that was where she was looking at he withdrew his arms and crossed them tightly in front of his chest.

“It will stop the pain” The nurse said softly, “Harry I have to do this if you want to stop hurting”

He seemed to be debating with himself and after a thirty second silence, he uncrossed his arms and his hands instantly found mine; he squeezed my hands tightly and nodded slightly, indicating to the nurse for her to get it over and done with.

As the needle broke the skin, I could see him biting his lip and holding back a shriek so I squeezed his hands even tighter causing him to turn and make eye contact with me. His smouldering green eyes captured my bright, blue ones and it felt to me as though he was staring directly into my soul, as cliché as that sounds.

The nurse pulled us from our little staring contest as she said

“All done Mr Styles, the pain should subdue in the next couple of minutes. Call me if you need anything” and with that she left the room again.

A comfortable silence settled in the room and Harry closed his eyes, sighing happily as the pain left his body, I noticed that his tight grip on my hands softened but he didn’t let go. Niall and Liam decided to leave us to it and find some food after Horan had exclaimed that he could “eat a fuckin’ horse”, which left Harry and I alone in the hospital room.

Once he noticed their absence he smiled and whispered

“You’re even more beautiful in real life” causing me to blush crimson and smile sheepishly at him

“You’re the beautiful one Harry; I don’t see how you aren’t a Gucci model or something”

He giggled (which was bloody adorable might I add) before a confused look crossed his face

“Lou what are you doing here?” and I felt the edges of my mouth turn into a slight frown. I thought he was happy to see me.

Obviously noticing my upset he continued with “Nononono not like that! I’m not sad you’re here – in fact it’s kind of like a dream. I meant what are you doing two hours away from Doncaster? I mean you barely know me” By the time he had finished speaking, his voice was just above a whisper.

I paused for a moment and thought about it. Why was I here?

I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel a connection to the boy, and I cared about him. A LOT.

“Because I care about you” I answered quietly, staring intently at my feet, afraid of his reaction to my confession.

A few seconds passed and he still hadn’t said anything, so I rather bravely lifted my head to meet his gaze and found that he was smiling widely – his dimples were the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life by the way.

“I care about you too Boo” He replied happily before winking cheekily at me as I sighed in relief. He looked thoughtful for a minute before stating

“I can’t wait to get out of hospital – then we can do something fun rather than you lie at my sickbed”

“Neither can I snowflake, maybe I can take you on a proper date?” I have no idea where this flirty and confident version of me has been hiding but I’m loving it and apparently so is Harry as his face lit up

“I would love that!” He gushed before realising how much like a teenage girl he sounds and blushed

“Aww is ickle Hawwy embawassed?” I teased grabbing his cheeks and pulling them, he swatted my hands away and muttered a ‘fuck off’ and I think I heard ‘prick’ as well but I’ll pretend I didn’t since he’s so cute.

I checked my phone to find about 34 hysteric voice mails from my mum and a bunch of worried texts along the lines of





Crap I was in for it once I got home, and an overdramatic, crying mother is not exactly the best thing to deal with after all this emotional stuff today.

I turned to face Harry and said

“Haz I have to go, I was so worried about you that I forgot to tell my mum where I was going and now she’s worried about me”

He frowned but tried to mask it with a smile

“Promise we’ll see each other again” He says softly, hope glimmering in his eyes.

“I don’t think I could stay away if I wanted to Hazza” and with that I leaned over and gently kissed his forehead before releasing my hold on his hand; with one last fleeting look, I left the room to find Niall and Perrie and rush home before mum does something crazy like call the police.

I’m just down the corridor from him and I miss him already. What’s wrong with me?

A/N I'm sorry for not updating on Wednesday... ya see I have been preparing for my exams next week and I have had work all weekend. 

Please tell me what you think of my story ;) When Harry's out of hospital everything will get a lot more interesting I promise, but I don't want to move the story too fast because it annoys me when people make Larry to date within a few hours of meeting.

An old lady started talking to me on the bus today telling me that computers know everything and that if I use them then I won't get a job and I was like 'bro I already have a job' and then she basically had a tantrum and I ran away. Argh scary old people.

I cut myself on a rusty nail the other day being the melon I am but I didn't die of tetnus so that's a bonus! :D

K imma go update me other storiezzzz now. K bye

~Boo xoxox

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